French Motorcycles

RM - Racing Moto Lyon

RM-Bolland-Lyon Logo

RM-Bolland Logo

98, rue Montesquieu, Lyon.

Raymond Bolland built competition machines under the RM Lyon brand. Styl'son co-operated with the creation of the machine, and the sidecar was by Simard with whom he raced as part of their team.

He won the 350cc sidecar class at the Grand Prix de Lyon on June 6, 1937, with further success at Cannes, Le Forez and elsewhere. His passenger in 1946 was André Moran.

In 1947 amd 1948 Bolland rode Moto Guzzi machines in the international GP.

Sources:, et al

N.B. There was also an RM brand produced by Olympique in the 1920s.