La "NUT Engine & Cycle Co.", (iniciales derivadas de Newcastle-upon-Tyne) produjo motocicletas algo exclusivas desde 1912 hasta 1933, en un principio en la planta de South Benwell, en las afueras de Newcastle y posteriormente en Derwenthaugh, Swalwell, condado de Tyne and Wear.
Los modelos mas conocidos son fácilmente distinguibles por el tanque de combustible cilíndrico con dos flejes niquelados y por la mecánica standarizada en motores JAP SV y cajas de cambios Sturmey Archer.
En el Olympia Show de fines de 1920 presentaron un modelo bicilíndrico deportivo (pero lujoso a la vez) con una tapa de cilindros de tres válvulas.El catálogo para 1921 consistía en tres modelos básicos, el Modelo Touring de 3 ½ HP, el Modelo Sport TT de 3 ½ HP y el Modelo de Doble Propósito de 5 HP. La iluminación eléctrica estaba disponible por un extra de £ 20 para las motos de turismo (el 3 ½ HP estándar costaba £ 100) y por un adicional de £ 10 se ofrecía la opción de transmisión a cadena.
El Modelo Sport TT de 3 ½ HP tenía un motor bicilíndrico OHV (500 cc de 64,5 x 76 mm.), tapa de cilindro desmontable con una válvula de admisión y dos de escape, pistones de aluminio, carburador AMAC especial, magneto TB y caja de velocidades Sturmey Archer de tres marchas. Los fabricantes de esta deportiva proclamaban 15 BHP a 4.000 rpm. aunque se comentaba que el sistema de válvulas era problemático y poco confiable.
Los constantes problemas financieros hicieron que la fábrica cerrara sus puertas en 1922 para reabrir un año mas tarde, reduciéndo la gama a una V-twin de 700 cc SV por lo que el modelo TT solo se fabricó un año y no se conoce que haya sobrevivido algún ejemplar.
Desde 1930 - en plena depresión económica mundial - la firma intentó mantenerse en el mercado con una producción mínima, pero su fin llegó en 1933.
The "NUT Engine & Cycle Co." (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) produced somewhat exclusive motorcycles from 1912 to 1933, initially at the South Benwell plant on the outskirts of Newcastle and later at Derwenthaugh, Swalwell, County of Tyne and Wear. The most well-known models are easily distinguishable by cylindrical fuel tank with two nickel-plated straps and by standard mechanics in JAP SV engines and Sturmey Archer gearboxes.
At the Olympia Show in late 1920 they introduced a sporty (yet luxurious) twin-cylinder machine with three-valve cylinder heads. The 1921 catalog consisted of three basic models, the 3 ½ HP Touring Model, the Sport Model TT of 3 ½ HP and the dual purpose 5 HP model. Electric lighting was available for an extra £20 for touring motorcycles (the standard 3 ½ HP cost £100) and for an additional £10 final drive by chain was offered as an option.
The 3 ½ HP Sport TT model had a twin-cylinder OHV 500 cc (64.5 x 76 mm), with an intake valve and two exhaust valves, aluminum pistons, special AMAC carburetor, TB magneto and a three-speed Sturmey-Archer gearbox. The manufacturers claimed 15 BHP at 4,000 rpm. It was said that the valve system was problematic and unreliable.
The constant financial problems caused the factory to close its doors in 1922, opening again a year later. At this point they reduced the range to a 700cc SV V-twin, so the TT model was only manufactured the one year. None of these are known to have survived.
After 1930 - in the midst of the global economic depression - the firm tried to stay afloat with minimal production, but dissolved finally in 1933.
Source: Sergio Scalerandi
No departure from the lines of the popular 3½ h.p. model have been found necessary in the new 5-6 h.p. N.U.T., which is suitable for medium weight sidecar work, as well as for fast solo touring
A 3½ h.p. Six-valved Sporting Twin and a Light 3-6 h.p. Model added to N.U.T. Range
DURING the present year the 3½ h.p. N.U.T. , which has made itself well known by the number of successful performances in competition, has shown no sign of requiring alteration in any direction, and consequently the makers have decided to continue with the same specification next year.
Primarily, the N.U.T. design was intended to represent the best that could be made as a purely solo machine, but it has been found that a number of users desired to attach light sidecars. When this has been done, the charm of the machine has been somewhat decreased, but it is well known that the small V twin engine owes its popularity to such qualities as smooth running, quick acceleration, and the ability to maintain high average speed with little apparent effort. These qualities, however, are almost at once sacrificed if an engine of this type is unduly overloaded, since it does not possess the "slogging" power of a single-cylinder engine of the same cubic capacity.
A Fast Solo Machine.
The makers of the N.U.T. have, therefore, decided to include a second model in their programme which will be more suitable for sidecar work. This will take the form of a 5 h.p. machine having exactly the same specification as that of the 3½ h.p., with the exception of an increase in cylinder dimensions. It must be understood, however, that the new model remains essentially a solo machine, since the weight is kept low, and final belt transmission is employed. It is not intended that the machine shall compete with the high-powered and luxuriously-overloaded sidecar outfits of the 8 h.p. class, but a special form of light side-car will be recommended for use in connection with it.
The general specification of the 3½ h.p. and 5 h.p. models is identical; and, indeed, with the exception of the engines, the two machines are composed of interchangeable parts. The Lucas Magdyno electric lighting and ignition outfit is a standard fitting on these machines.
A High Efficiency Model.
In addition to the two machines mentioned, a new line, which will appeal especially to the sporting fraternity, is the 3½ h.p. overhead valve model. The dimensions of the V twin engine are the same as the standard 3½ h.p. (64.5 x 76 mm.), but the engine is of a special racing type, having one inlet and two exhaust valves per cylinder, these being carried in detachable heads. The specification of the machine remains much the same as that of the 3½ h.p. model, since the frame and transmission are similar. There are some departures in detail, however; for instance, the Magdyno gives place to. a simple magneto, while, instead of the complete chain case on the primary drive, a light cover is fitted over the top run of the chain. The spring forks, mudguards, and handle-bars are of the racing type. In other respects the finish and appearance conform to the general high standard which characterises all the N.U.T. products.
The N.U.T. made its first public appearance at the Olympia Motor Cycle Show of 1919, and there attracted a considerable amount of attention amongst the sporting fraternity, as it was designed as the "last word" in solo mounts. It is interesting to note that the manufacturers have found no reason to modify their design.
The Motor Cycle November 18th, 1920. Page 597