Sarolea Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Sarolea Models 1903-1955

1901 1.5 hp 239cc

1902 1.75 hp 381cc

1903 1.75 hp 381cc

1903 2.5 hp 381cc

1903 3.5 hp 445cc

1904 2.75 hp 381cc

1904 3 hp & 3.5hp

1905 3 hp

1905 3 hp

1905 5 hp V-Twin 616cc

1905 6 hp V-Twin 726cc

1906 3 hp 386cc

1906 3 hp 386cc

1906 5 hp V-Twin 616cc

1906 6 hp V-Twin 726cc

1907 2 hp 246cc

1907 3 hp 386cc

1907 3 hp 386cc

1907 4 hp V-Twin 493cc

1907 6 hp V-Twin 616cc

1908 2 hp 246cc

1908 3 hp 386cc

1908 3 hp 386cc

1908 4 hp V-Twin 493cc

1908 5 hp V-Twin 616cc

1908 6 hp V-Twin 616cc

1909 2 hp 246cc

1909 3 hp 386cc

1909 3 hp 386cc

1909 4hp V-Twin 493cc

1909 5 hp V-Twin 616cc

1909 6 hp V-Twin 616cc

1910 2 hp 246cc

1910 2.5 hp 294cc

1910 3.5 hp 499cc

1910 2.5 hp 294cc

1910 3.5 hp 499cc

1910 2.5 hp 294cc

1910 3.5 hp 499cc

1912 500cc

1913 2.5 hp 294cc

1913 3.5 hp 499cc

1914 2.5 hp 294cc

1914 3.5 hp 499cc

1914 6 hp V-Twin 731cc

1919 22 A

Sarolea 1908 492cc V2 Special
Engine : 2 cyl. - 492cc IOE
Gearbox: none
Power: 3.50 HP
Top Speed: 44 km/h
Price in 1908: 950.-FB 
Sarolea 1914 499cc SV
Engine: 1 cyl. - 499cc SV
Gearbox: 2 speed
Carburettor : Brown & Barlow
Brake horsepower : 3.50 HP
Top Speed : 58 km/h 
Sarolea 22A 1919
Engine: 1 cyl. - 557cc SV
Gearbox: 3 speed
Carburettor : HIDM25
Power: 4,00 HP
Top Speed: 65 km/h
Price in 1919 : 4.000.-FB


1920s Models

Sarolea 1920 22 A, 22 B, 22 C

Sarolea 1921 22 B, 22 C, 22 D, 22 E, 23 A

Sarolea 1922 22 D, 22 E, 22 F, 22 G, 23 A, 23 B, 23 C, 25 A

1923 Models

Sarolea 1923 22F 22G 550cc

Sarolea 1923 23D 500cc

Sarolea 1923 25A 350cc

Sarolea 1923 25 B

Sarolea 1923 25 C

1924 Models

Sarolea 1924 25F 350cc

Sarolea 1924 25D 23E 350cc

Sarolea 1924 23G 350cc

1925 Models

Sarolea 23M 1925

Sarolea 1925 23H 500cc

Sarolea 1925 23K 500cc Supersport

Sarolea 1925 23M

Sarolea 1925 25E 350cc

Sarolea 25F Supersport 350cc 1925

Sarolea 1925 25H 350cc

Sarolea 1925 OHV 500cc Supersport

1927 Models

Sarolea 1927 Type 23 P 500cc

Sarolea 1927 Type 25G 350cc

Sarolea 1927 Type 23L 350 & 25L 500cc

1928 Models

Sarolea 1928 25N 350cc Supersport

Sarolea 1928 23S 500cc Supersport

Sarolea 1928 23U 500cc TV

Sarolea 1928 25N 350cc

1929 models

Sarolea 1929

Sarolea 1929 24S 24U

Sarolea 24S and 24U 1929

Sarolea 1929 24T 500cc

Sarolea 1929

Sarolea 1929 24U 500cc OHV

Sarolea 1929 types 24S 24U 500cc OHV

Sarolea 1929 24U Supersport

Sarolea 1929 Touriste 24T

Sarolea 1929 Touriste 350cc Type 250

1930s Models

1931 Models

Sarolea 1931 Type 31A SV 75x79mm 350cc 3-speed 120 km/h

Sarolea 1931 Type 31B OHV 75x79mm 350cc 3-speed 125 km/h

Sarolea 1931 Type 31R OHV 80.5x97mm 500cc 3-speed 138 km/h

Sarolea 1931 Type 31S OHV

Sarolea 1931 Type 30T SV 80.5x97mm 500cc 3-speed 145 km/h

1932 Models

Sarolea 1932 32A 350 SV 75x79mm 349cc 3sp 130kg

Sarolea 1932 32B 350cc Supersport OHV 75x79mm 3sp 130kg

Sarolea 1932 Racing 500cc 32R

Sarolea 1932 32S 500cc Supersport OHV 80.5x97mm 3sp 138kg

Sarolea 1932 32T 600 SV 88x97 589cc 3sp 145kg

Sarolea 1932 32T SV 600

Sarolea 1932 32R 500cc OHV 80.5x97mm 3sp 138kg

1933 Models

Sarolea 1933 150cc & 175cc

Sarolea 1933 33U 33UL Twostroke 55x62 150cc 2sp 65kg

Sarolea 1933 32U 150cc 175cc Twostroke

Sarolea 1933 33A 350cc SV 75x79mm 3sp 130kg

Sarolea 1933 33B 350cc OHV 75x79mm 3sp 130kg

Sarolea 1933 33R 500cc OHV 80.5x97mm 3sp 145kg

Sarolea 1933 33C 500cc

Sarolea 1933 33S Supersport OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 3sp 145kg

Sarolea 1933 33S6 OHV 88x97mm 589cc 3sp 145kg

Sarolea 1933 33T SV 88x97mm 589cc 3sp 145kg

1934 Models

Sarolea 1934 34C OHV 80.5x97mm 500cc 4sp Competition

Sarolea 1934 34R OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp. Competition

Sarolea 1934 34RC OHV 80.5x97mm 500cc 4sp.

Sarolea 1934 34S OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp.

Sarolea 1934 34S6 OHV 88x97 589cc 4sp.

Sarolea 1934 34T 88x97mm 589cc SV 4sp.

Sarolea 1934 34U 55x62mm 150cc Twostroke

Sarolea 1934 33UL 60x82mm 175cc

Sarolea 1934 34A SV 75x79mm 349cc

Sarolea 1934 34B OHV 75x79mm 349cc 4sp

1935 Models

Sarolea 1935 35C OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp

Sarolea 1935 35C6 OHV 88x97mm 589cc 4sp

Sarolea 1935 35A 350cc Touriste SV

Sarolea 1935 35T SV 88x97mm 589cc Touriste

Sarolea 1935 35B OHV 75x79mm 349cc 4sp Supersport

Sarolea 1935 35S OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp

Sarolea 1935 35S6 OHV 88x97mm 589cc 4sp

Sarolea 1935 UD 147cc

Sarolea 1935 35UL 60x62mm 175cc 2T

Sarolea 1935 35F OHV 70x90.5mm 348.5cc 4sp

1936 Models

Sarolea 1936 36A 350cc SV Touriste

Sarolea 1936 36B OHV 75x79 349 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36C OHV 80.5.97mm 494cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36C6 OHV 88x97 589cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36CS OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36CS6 OHV 88x97mm 589cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36FS OHV 70x90.5 348.5cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36F OHV 70x90.5mm 348.5 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36M6 OHV 88x97 589cc 4sp Military

Sarolea 1936 36S6 OHV 88x97 589cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36S OHV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36T SV 80.5x97mm 494cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 T5 500cc SV Touriste

Sarolea 1936 36T6 SV 88x97 589cc 4sp

Sarolea 1936 36U 55x62mm 150cc 2T

Sarolea 1936 36UL 60x62 175cc 2T

1937 Models

Sarolea 1937 500cc Type T5

Sarolea 1937 600cc SV Type T6

Sarolea 1937 Supersport 500cc 600cc 37S 37S6 OHV

Sarolea 1937 Competition 350cc 500cc OHV

Sarolea 1937 37A 349cc Sidevalve

Sarolea 1937 350cc Supersport OHV Type 37B

Sarolea 1937 500cc Supersport OHV Type 37S

Sarolea 1937 Type S6 600cc

1938 Models

Sarolea 1938 23U 500cc TV Racer

Sarolea 1938 38S 500cc 600cc Supersport OHV

Sarolea 1938 500cc 600cc Supersport

Sarolea 1938 T6 600cc Touriste

Sarolea 1938 S6 600cc Supersport

Sarolea 1938 38AS 350cc Touriste

Sarolea 1938 350cc Type AL Touriste SV

Sarolea 1938 SV 500cc Touriste 38T

Sarolea 1938 38T6 600cc Touriste SV

Sarolea 1938 38B 350cc OHV Supersport

1939 Models

Sarolea 1939 LW 125cc, 39 AS 350cc SV, 39 ASL 350cc SV, 39 A 350cc SV, 39 B 350cc OHV, 39 T5 500cc SV, 39 T6 600cc SV

1940s Models

1948 Models

Sarolea 1948 AS SV

Sarolea 1948 48AS SV 48B OHV

Sarolea 1948 S6 OHV, BL, SL6 OHV

Sarolea 1948 S6

1949 Models

Sarolea ASL 1949

Sarolea 1949 Model BL 350cc

Sarolea 1949 350cc Supersport

Sarolea 1949 350cc OHV

Sarolea S6 1949 600cc OHV

1950s and 1960s Models

1950 Models

Sarolea 1950 SV 400cc

Sarolea 1950 Atlantic Twin 500cc

Sarolea 1950 Type 50 AS SV 349cc

Sarolea 1950 Type 50 ASL Sidevalve 349cc

Sarolea 1950 Type 50 BL OHV

Sarolea 1950 Type 50 SL6 OHV

Sarolea 1950 Type 50 LW

1951 Models

Sarolea 1951 46AS 350cc Military

Sarolea Vedette 1951

Sarolea 1951 Continental 350cc

Sarolea 1951 Continental Super 400cc

Sarolea Regina 198cc circa 1952

1955 Models

Sarolea 1955 Montana 200cc

Sarolea 1955 Century 200cc

Sarolea 1955 Atlantic 600cc

Sarolea 1955 Vedette 350cc OHV

Sarolea 1955 Cricket 125cc

Sarolea 1955 Rubino 175cc Twostroke

Sarolea 1955 Simoun 250cc JLO Twin (rebadged FN)

Sarolea 1956 Djinn Scooter (rebadged Rumi Formichino)