All Types of Sidecars.
Large two-abreast two-seater Watsonian sidecar with capacious luggage receptacle in rear.
The chief exhibit on the Watsonian stand is the new two-seater-model. Although sufficient width has been given to allow a normal-sized person and a child to be seated side by side, the chassis is only of normal width. The advantages of the method of seating are very obvious, especially when the extra passenger is a very small child. On the model exhibited an Easting screen, sufficiently wide for protection of the two passengers, is part of the equipment, and the price asked is £29.
The interest manifested by sidecarists in the folding type of chassis is exemplified in the several new patterns on the market. The Watsonian is a well-tried design that will stand hard usage. A folding chassis must, of course, be strongly constructed to be of any use whatever.
There seems to be no end to the delightful little sporting bodies at the Show, and the Watsonian R34 in polished aluminium is no whit behind any in gracefulness of design. A detachable aluminium dash and neat little windscreen give finish to one of the most pleasing of sidecars; the price of this model is £24. In addition to a big range of standard models an exceptionally light racing body and a tradesman's carrier, of well-thought-out design and stout construction, are shown, The latter is listed at £19 10s.
Olympia Show 1922, The Motor Cycle November 30th, 1922.