Russian Motorcycles
Putins Way
Putin's Way

Criminality and corruption in Putin's Russia by Frontline and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Russian Motorcycle Manufacturers

Many former USSR marques are mistakenly termed Russian, and were built in countries which are now part of Europe.

As it is now all but impossible to obtain spare parts for Russian motorcycles, links will be included to dealers who may still have old stock.


  • Abrikosoff 1895-1899
  • Anton Didenko 1936
  • B

  • Baltija 1913-15
  • Baltika 1902-04 (Riga, Latvia)
  • Bullakoff 1899-1900
  • C

  • Chesnokov, 1906-1908
  • Cossack 1973-
  • D

  • DUX 1909-1917
  • E-F

  • Filatov 1916
  • Fortuna 1908-15 Moscow
  • Frese 1901-05 St Petersburg (Sarolea)
  • Freudenberg 1903-05 St Petersburg
  • G

  • Gloor 1907-14
  • H


  • IZH
  • J

  • Jasenski 1903-05
  • Jupiter 1973-
  • K

  • Kievlyanin 1946-50 (possibly Ukrainian)
  • Kovrovec (aka Kovrov, Kovrovetz, Kovorets)
  • Krasny-Oktobr 1930-34
  • L

  • L-300 - 1932-
  • Lir & Rossbaum 1898-1907
  • Leutner 1895-1915 Russia & Latvia
  • Lundberg-Vasiljeff 1899-1901
  • M

  • Minsk 1954-2007 (Belarus), see also NSK
  • Moskva 1940-c1960 see also Minsk
  • N

  • Naletoff 1895-96
  • NATI see PMZ
  • Neval
  • O


  • Planeta 1976-
  • Peters 1898-1901
  • PMZ 1935-39
  • Pobeda 1901-1911
  • R

  • Rossija 1903
  • Reschetnikoff 1906-09
  • Riga (Latvia)
  • S

  • Scherban 1911-15
  • Schilovski 1912
  • Selten 1909-14
  • Schumann 1895-97
  • SMZ 1941-1970s
  • Sojuz (Soyuz) 1924
  • Starley-Dion c.1890
  • Starley-Psycho 1898-1901
  • T

  • TIZ 1931-1940
  • Tula
  • Tschesnokoff 1906-08
  • Ural
  • V

  • Vjatka 1956-1979
  • Voskhod 1960s, see also Kovrovec
  • Vostok 1964-65
  • W

  • Wirkau 1908-14
  • Wakarecky 1903-04
  • X Y Z

  • Zid see Kovrovec
  • ZIF

  • Wed Jul 06 2005
    abebaby<at>hotmail dot com
    iz49 motorcycle
    any info that you have on iz 49 believe is from Lithuania or Latvia

    There was what appears to be a Polish site on them at maniak18.piwko.pl. Ed.

    If you have information or a query about a marque not yet listed, please contact us