Dunelt Motorcycles

Dunelt 1922 500cc Sidecar Combination


12 Important Dunelt Features

—and 12 sound reasops why you should carefully consider offered by this distinctive and proved highest efficiency " machine before deciding upon your outfit.
l. ENGINE. Of great simplicity, power and efficiency. Only parts, therefore possibility of trouble is reduced to a minimum.
2. No valves to grind in when decarbonising.
3. No valve springs, tappets, or cams.
4. TRUNCATED PISTON. An exclusive feature. Gives complete scavenging in combustion chamber and internal cooling of the piston.
5. Solid drop-forged Crankshaft and Connecting Rod.
6. All important parts made of specially selected steel.
7. Roller and Ball Bearings throughout.
8. FRAME. Long wheel base giving great comfort to the rider. The loop frame renders it almost unbreakable.
9. FRONT FORK. An exclusive feature. Specially designed for the Dunelt. effectively absorbs all road shocks.

Image: Boston City Library
Dunelt 1922-1923

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Classic Motorcycle Books

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Dunelt Motorcycles