Diamond Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Graisley Sidecars

Manufactured by AJS and then by D. F. & M. Engineering Co., Ltd (Diamond)

"In October 1931 motorcycle manufacturer A.J.S. went into voluntary liquidation. At the time they made sidecars using the 'Graiseley' name. Walter Vincent Ford, Diamond's managing director, was approached by Alec Holder, who had worked for Clyno as a draughtsman, and Harold Nock, who later acquired D.M.W. with the idea of acquiring the A.J.S. sidecar business in order to manufacture sidecars and supply them to existing A.J.S. customers. As a result, Diamond Motors purchased the A.J.S. sidecar business, together with the 'Graiseley' trade mark for £475, and continued to produce 'Graiseley' sidecars for ex-A.J.S. customers, including Swallow."

Sources: historywebsite.co.uk, et al

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