French Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

New Motorcycle

A Brief History of the Marque

Manufactured: Chatenay-Malabry, 1926-1928 1

George Roy presented his New Motorcycle at the 1926 Salon, in Paris.

Pre-production machines were fitted with Train two-strokes which were replaced in the motorcycles offered for sale with JAP (or Anzani) and Chaise 500cc OHV engines, and possibly also MAG. The frames were pressed sheet steel, pre-cut and then bolted and riveted together. The idea was quite revolutionary at the time (although previously in use by Lutece and Janoir), and was widely adopted by other manufacturers in later years.

These machines are reported to have done quite well in competition, with success at the Bol d'Or, the Paris-Nice and other events of 1927-1928.

These were not a commercial success, and in 1928 (or 1929, depending on source) he produced the magnificent Majestic in partnership with the Delachanal concern, who manufactured the famous French marque Dollar.

1. Some sources give production dates of 1923-1927, and the address as Rue du Parc 13, Orléans. Roy was granted a patent for his pressed-metal frames in 1926.

Sources: Guélon Collection,, et al.

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