Legnano Motorcycles

Legnano Motorcycles & Mopeds

A Brief History of the Marque

Vittorio Rossi established his firm in 1902 and bicycle production began in 1906. Some time after the Great War (possibly in 1932) the firm was purchased by the owner of the Wolsit and Frejus marques, Emilio Bozzi. Around 1979 the firm was sold to Bianchi, and some time later was purchased by the Bozzi family.

In the 1920s and 30s Legnano became one of Italy's most prominent bicycle firms, and in 1936 a new member joined their racing team - Gino Bartali from Tuscany. Bartali became a great hero in the cycling world, winning Le Tour in 1948. Jubilation was so great in Italy that a revolution was averted after the attempted assassination of Togliatti - it is said. However, the story of Gino's real heroism was not told until long after the war. Bartali Motorcycles

From 1954 Legnano built attractive lightweights using mostly Sachs, Garelli Mosquito & Minarelli engines, and sometimes Demm. The 1957 49cc model, which was exported to Argentina had a 49cc Demm 3M engine and a Del'orto 14.12s carburettor. The Super Sport of 1964 had a large sculptured tank, clipon handlebars, dual rear shock absorbers and telescopic forks.

A folding motorised bicycle was produced in the mid 1960s, powered by a Garelli Baby Mosquito engine.

A 175cc cross model was introduced at the 1967 Milan Show, and 1971 saw a rather handsome compact moped named the Mini Mars which had a horizontal engine and small composite wheels.

Legnano Argentina

Legnano also distributed locally produced machines in Argentina during the 1950s, some with Tehuelche OHC engines and others fitted with 49cc Demm powerplants. Post-2000 they offered a range of machines with Italian names which are very similar in appearance to those made in China.

Sources: Tragatsch p192, Henshaw, classicrendezvous.com, New York Times, motoargenta.blogspot.com, et al.

1. Henshaw gives manufacturing dates of 1932 to 1968. Tragastsch gives only 1954, the date it is believed the first mopeds were produced.
2. Legnano automobiles were produced by the FIAL company (Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Legnano) from 1906 to 1909.

kjcon777 at outlook dot com
...This Sachs engine is a Saxonette on a 1962 Legnano moped and I have a question or two about the gearing:
Is this a single gear model?
If yes how is it described as "automatic"? i.e. is it a single but variable drive which varies with the speed of the engine?
I am not sure where the oil level and filler plugs are on this model?
Kevin Connolly

    A post at ricardo.ch indicates that the T118 is a two-speed automatic. A diagram of the engine is included with the other images and may be of assistance with the other matters.
    Legnano-1962-Sachs images posted to Comments

marchogerheide at gmail.com
Legnano mosquito
Hi, i purchased this unique bike with a garelli mosquito engine
I believe this is an 1954, but I can’t find any other information then a few pictures
Who can help me indenty this wonderful bicycle
Thanks Marc

    Legnano-1954-Mosquito-MNe images posted to Comments

leib9999 at gmail.com
1966 Legnano folding 20 "motorized Bikes
Any information appreciated. Have 2 would like to restore and sell.
Philip R Leib

  • Legnano-1966-Folding-Autocycle image posted to Comments.

Tue Apr 21 2015

d.hutchinson93 at ntlworld.com<
Legnano T101
Can you give me any information on this moped, year, engine size. I bought it recently, but it has no number plate or documentation.
Many Thanks
Hartlepool UK

Engine Minarelli 50cc. Manufactured around 1976. Ed.

Mon Jan 20 2014
franspac2004 at yahoo.com l
hi, i found a motorcycle that i am about to buy. it is a legnano moped. i need to know what model is this and if its possible to find parts to restore it. thanks in advance.

Fri Oct 19 2012
bramble<at>btinternet dot com 
legnano 49cc?
Hi, I would like some information about this moped please, What year, model etc, and where I can get sachs engine parts and spares. Thanks

Wed Jul 06 2011
legnano saxonette T116
hi please can somone help i am restoring a T116 legnano saxonette moped and need some new parts and stickers, any help is good
north yorkshire

Mon Sep 20 2010
enzoedino<at>rocketmail dot com
Looking for informations
Legnano T115
I've got a Legnano T115 without papers and it's very difficult to find some informations about this brand like produced quantity, technichal details, which sachs engine was built in aso. So if somebody know anything about Legnano it would be very helpful for me and I would be very happy to get some informations.
Thanks a lot, Bernhard

Fri May 28 2010
Folding Moped
Legnano Autocamper
Where do I find out any thing about this moped

Thu May 13 2010
Legnano 1963
Legnano Legnano
Junto envio fotografias da minha Legnano de 1963 antes e depois do restauro
Luis L

Wed Nov 25 2009
nanovaper at at hotmail dot com
LEGNANO 48 1957
Hola gente de legnano, te escribo desde argenti
na informando que tengo 
dos bellas motos legnano 48 cm3 que son reliquias.
te imaginas en 1957 circulando con estas motos? Saludos.

Wed Jan 28 2009
jurassicpartsat at live dot com
Photos Legnano
Legnano Legnano 1957
Legnano 1957 49cc

Tue Aug 07 2007
faqart-at at hotmail.com.ar
Legnano 49cc

hola. tengo una legnano 49cc en proceso de restauracion y entre a esta pagina para ver fotos pero ninguna es del mismo modelo que la mia..

Wed Jun 27 2007
wvdbruggenat at hotmail dot com
this is my legnano
hey, i,m from holland and i got a legnano T118, 50cc with sach engine. i will share you some pictures, u can also visit my site

www.legnano.tk (404)
the haque

Fri Oct 20 2006
gesurb.eng at at cm-mafra.pt
Manual Legnano 49cc 1960
I have Legnano with Sachs engine 49cc year 1960.
I am looking for information about original color and a piece manual for rebuilding.
Help me, please.
Joaquim Lopes
Lisbon - Portugal

March 24th 2005
luislaranjeira at at sapo.pt

I have Legnano with engine Sachs 49cc year 1963 and I need original color photo
for rebilding

Luis Laranjeira

Thu Oct 27 2005
forzamilan at at onvol.net
Legnano moped 1974 model with sachs engine
from where I can find spares pls. I need a piston + rings/ conrod for sachs 502/1 ax. Many thanks.

Thu Jun 23 2005
rhfotos at at infovia.com.ar
legnano 48 cc
need fotos + data

Sun Apr 24 2005
ayante-hdc at at yahoo dot com
More about Demm
I came from Argentina and, when I was young, I remember a friend of mine having a Legnano 48cc year 1958 with a Demm engine. There was a beautiful bike, and seeing the site, I found her very similar with the Capri, which illustrate the article. I have to say about Legnano, there were one of the finest brand of bicycles in this time in my country. I presume, due a marketing reasons, what the Capri was put in the market as Legnano. 

Daniel Curti 

If you have a query of information about Legnano motorcycles please contact us