A Brief History of the Marque
La Fabrique Nationale d’Armes de Guerre
FN began production of bicycle frames in 1885, built their first complete bicycles in 1889 and began motorcycle production in 1900. These first machines were single-cylinder belt-driven bikes of 135cc, 1.25 hp with an automatic valve.
FN was building four cylinder motorcycles as early as 1904. They had a five bearing crankshaft and shaft drive, and were fitted with pedal assist.
Both Paul Kelecom and Henri Pieper were with the FN company in the early days.
A British report on the Motor Cycle Show of 1924 reads, in part:
"There are four examples of the 8 h.p. four-cylinder F.N. shown, as well as a like number of the smaller, 2 1/2 h.p. single cylinder machine. Both types are shown as solo machines and as combinations. The 2 1/2 h.p. is shown with a special sports sidecar, and also with a super sports sidecar. It is worthy of note that balloon tyres are to be fitted as standard on the larger machine.
F. N. (England), Ltd., Kimberley Road, Willesden Lane, N.W. 6."
By 1924, FN had changed all models to chain final drive, and the single-cylinder machines were now "en bloc", the 348cc and 498cc engines available with both sidevalve and OHV heads.
The OHV versions of 1930 had very good performance, with tuned models competing at the Isle of Man TT. They also took speed records at Arpajon and Montlhery racing venues with Brooklands racers Wal Handley and Dougal Marchant in the saddle. They took the Flying Mile world record at over 190 km/h - almost 120mph.
By the end of that year they held 33 world records.
FN engines were supplied to other manufacturers including Allright and Kerry, and during the Nazi era their machines were briefly marketed under the BAM label in Germany.
In 1955 FN introduced a line of mopeds built by Royal Nord.
FN ceased production of motorcycles at Herstal, Belgium, in 1963*. They continued as a small-arms manufacturer and FN rifles were used by many armed forces including the Australian Army in the 1960s.
FN last exhibited at a motorcycle show in 1965, the last mopeds were built in 1966 and sales of motorcycles ceased in 1967.
Manufacturers employing FN engines included Whippet, Kerry, Husqvarna, Lion Rapide, Diamond, EST, James, Bowden, and Victoria. Allright/KLM also fitted FN engines which they built under licence.
Sources: JLB Creations, Cycle Memory, Motor Sport Magazine, FN.oldtimers
Wed, 22 Nov 2017
oficinatecnica at curtiembrerio3.com.ar
FN XIII 350?
I own a 350cc FN motorcycle (see attached picture) which I would like to restore, but there are some parts missing. I do not know year or model, I only have motor number (A3122) and frame number (A3122). I would really appreciate if you could help me with any information or contact I could write to, to get details of which specific model it is, as well as user and repair manuals. Regards, Juan Manuel Lopardo.
Juan Manuel
Rio Tercero Argentina
Image posted to Comments.
Sun Jun 18 2017
Andy (contact details witheld)
FN 285TT
I am interested in finding out the year and model for my FN motorcycle. I am also interested in the emblem/decal if possible for a restoration. Look forward to hearing more.
Thank you
CaliforniaFN-1922c-285TT-ASC-01.jpg is posted in Comments
Sun Jun 11 2017
brian at vrd.com.au
Hi can you tell me if this is an FN it is my Great Grandfather in Collie not sure think it is around 1920
Sat May 13 2017
aaosoares21 at gmail.com
FN M70 YEAR 1933
procuro farol frente para fn m70 ano 1933 (I'm looking for a headlight for fn m70 1933)
Sat Apr 15 2017
andyswamy at gmail.com
FN 248TT
Can you provide some literature on the 1922 FN 248TT. Also, would appreciate if you can let me know where I can get the sticker/logo and any drawings for a restoration project.
Andy, California
Tue Nov 22 2016
jos.hoebers51 at gmail.com
Instruction book
FN M 70 1929 M70
I would like to buy an instruction book for my M70
FN Manuals listed here...
Wed Oct 26 2016
hmpmeat at gmail.com
FN logos for the tank
FN M13
I am looking for the FN logos
on the tanks ( stickers , or tanks itself ) , or any information about them .
Thu Sep 22 2016
works at brucepickles.com
FN 750 4 cylinder 1923
I'm restoring this bike and its too hard to turn over - the piston rings are way too tight and have almost no flex in them. Any ideas?
Assuming the engine has not been dismantled, my first guess would be gummed rings. Try pouring diesel down the plugholes and leaving it for a day or three. Drain oil first, of course.
Thanks; this is what everyone is telling me but I checked for this and they do have the right clearance and do close up but they are incredibly stiff and even when removed from the piston you can hardly move them by hand. Apparently they were purchased 18 years ago so may not be the original grey cast iron type. Many thanks for your response. I’m an engineer but I’m really scratching my head over this.
Next step, new rings. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=vintage+motorcycle+piston+rings
Be interested to learn the result.
The machine is believed to be a 1935 model although a guy from Germany said according the VIN it should be 1938. The motorcycle was brought to Latvia from Russia, where it was brought from
Europe's battlefields during the WW2.
Any more questions - don't hesitate to ask .
Can send a lot of pics from restoration process .
More details upon request by e-mail..
Tukums , LATVIA
Assuming the engine has not been dismantled, my first guess would be gummed rings. Try pouring diesel down the plugholes and leaving it for a day or three. Drain oil first, of course.
Thanks; this is what everyone is telling me but I checked for this and they do have the right clearance and do close up but they are incredibly stiff and even when removed from the piston you can hardly move them by hand. Apparently they were purchased 18 years ago so may not be the original grey cast iron type. Many thanks for your response. I’m an engineer but I’m really scratching my head over this.
Next step, new rings. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=vintage+motorcycle+piston+rings
Thu Apr 14 2016
gheras at jpselecta.es
FN350 70
Dear Sir,
I need a Dynamo (or alternator) for FN 350 model 70. It can be a new part or old dynamo to restore. Do you have a dynamo as spare part to sell me?
Waiting your good news.
Kind regards.
Pere CarafÃ
Sat Jan 02 2016
hernan022neumann at gmail.com
FN M90
FN m90
hola, me pongo en contacto con ustedes para hacerles la siguiente consulta.
mi padre siempre me hablo de una moto de la cual el estaba enamorado. la motos es una moto de guerra de la segunda guerra mundial, fabricada por la Fabrica Nacional de Armas Belga.
la cual según lo que me cuenta mi padre, eran aplastadas con los tanques de guerra después de la segunda guerra mundial. hay solo unas cuantas en todo el mundo y conseguir información de esta moto es muy difÃcil. se que es una moto muy cara por su antigüedad y su historia.
Mi padre falleció hace una semana y media en un accidente de moto, y yo en memoria de el quiero comprar esa reliquia.
Soy de argentina y conseguà el contacto de una persona que posee esta moto, yo quiero comprarla y restaurarla. ustedes podrÃan asesorarme sobre el valor de este mismo para tener un panorama de a que gastos me voy a encontrar?
Datos de la moto:
Marca: FN
Modelo: M90
Año: 1931
Cilindrada: 500cc
Hello, I'll get in touch with you for the next consultation.
My father always told me about a motorcycle that he was in love with. The motorcycle is a war machine of the second world war, manufactured by the Belgian National Arms Factory.
Which according to what my father tells me, were crushed with war tanks after the Second World War. There are only a few around the world and getting information on this bike is very difficult. I know that it is a very expensive bike because of its antiquity and its history.
My father died a week and a half ago in a motorcycle accident, and in memory of him I want to buy that relic.
I am from Argentina and got the contact of a person who owns this bike, I want to buy it and restore it. You could advise me on the value of this same to have a panorama of what expenses I will find?
Wed Dec 02 2015
zinczinc007 at gmail.com
Philippe FN 175 cc small 2 temps 1955 immatricule
bonjour, je vends ma moto FN 175cc , 2 temps couleur rouge et noir , siage a ressort, 2 echappements, l'allumage est a regler
Thu Feb 19 2015
tomek.sokol1000 at gmail.com
Motorcycle for sale
FN500 M90 c1931
For sale motorcycle FN500M90, unrestored, good technical condition, 95% original, do not run since 1939. I am waiting for your offer with given price. Possible exchange offers. Motorcycle for view in Poland. Please contact me via text
messege: 607473870
Krotoszyn, Poland
i'm trying to sell a good FN belgian engine, probably from 1908 to 1912.
500 cc 4 cylinders
I'm in Italy (Genoa), please ask if interested and need more pictures.
Let me know please if you know somebody else that can be interested.
Genoa, italy
See FN-1910c-Engine-Italy.jpg in FN gallery
Fri Aug 03 2012
F N Spares
F N 350cc 13
Hi Would you details for me to contact for F N Spares , Need a Complete Exhurst Plus Other Spares
Sat Jul 28 2012
FN parts
FN M90
Hi,I'm looking for parts for my bike,tool box.fenders,horn,etc.
Wed Jul 04 2012
Fenders,tool box,horn,etc
FN M(90
I'm looking for parts to my FN.Thanks!
Tue Aug 14 2012
philmead127<at>btinternetdot com
F N 350 M13
Does Anyone Know the Correct way to Time my FN 350 M13 Please
Sat Jun 23 2012
kis-gazsi<at>hotmaildot com
looking for parts
FN m90
hi,I'm looking for fenders,rim,horn,etc for my bike.
Thu Jul 19 2012
FN M13 small carter
FN M13
Hello all, I am looking for the small carter as in the photo. The engine is a 350cc side valves. Many thanks in advance, Tsabari S. (Italy)
Wed May 30 2012
FN 1913
I was wondering what a FN 1913 motorcycle in excellent original working condition would be worth. Looking forward to finding out.
Tue Apr 03 2012
F N Motor
F N ? four cylinder
I have a four cylinder motor in my shed, would like to know age, and if there is any interest in it. Graham
Thu Jul 07 2011
Parts required
FN M86
Top fork yoke no86.1008.Valve springs no860308 and 86307 2 of each. Can anybody help please
New Zealand
My friend and I are slowly working our way through the restoration of 1935 FN 86 500cc . We have had made here in NZ replica valve springs, but are still looking fot the top fork yoke or drawings or second hand enough to copy and make new
one, plus we need the total gearchange mechanism, any condition. Thanks, Bruce Weeks
Wed Jun 29 2011
tom-dahl<at>hotmaildot com
FN M13
How can I post a wanted ad under the FN topic?
I'm looking for a 450ohv head to my m13 FN also caled the "gran culas" or the whole engine.
the bike is 1947 FN it is now a 350cc but when I can get my hands on a 450cc head it will become 488cc. But it is very hard to find parts!! the piston for the 488cc combination is from a alfa romeo 2000GTV. the cylinder is a bored out
The cylinder head that I'm looking for is from a newer FN but the same type (type 13)
Mon May 23 2011
ivan-084<at> yahoo.com.ar
FN 3 cilinders radial
I have a 3 cilinder radial fn engine, Someone know the year, an the use of this engine?
Buenos Aires
Fri Apr 29 2011
exhaust pipe m67
FN m67
I aim lokking for a exhaust pipe of a FN M67 1930
Sat Aug 25 2012
exhaust pipe
FN M67
I have made the exhaustpipe myself the advertisement is no longer needed
Mon May 02 2011
josedonazar<at>hotmaildot com
motor fn 4 cylindros
fn 4 cylindros 750 750 4 cylindros
poseo u n motor fn 4 cylindros años 1916 lo tengo para la venta mi meil es josedonazar hotmail.com
palma de mallorca
Sat Feb 05 2011
bdlaust<at>hotmaildot com
FN 1907-08
In need of fuel tank pedals and magneto drive cover for 1907-08 single 250 FN I am in Sydney Australia
Tue Jan 25 2011
Parts and info required
F N M86
Parts or/and workshop manual
New Zealand
Sat Dec 04 2010
robyke<at>gmaildot com
FN M86 engine
FN M 86 1934-38
Hi, please i search and purchase an engine and pieces for a FN M86 1934-38 for complete my chassis.thanks Roberto from Brescia Italy
Mon Nov 01 2010
1929 M67
I would like to exchange my FN M67 built in 1929 in very good condition , not restored. I am interested at BWM pre war model (No R51-R12 because yet I have them)
Mantova, Italy
Thu Oct 21 2010
TO SOLD (for sale)
FN M90 500cc 1931
M90 500SV 1931 100% complet
with NEW parts motor, mottor restaured
Mon Apr 19 2010
fn m86
i`m looking for a fn m86 500ccm to rebuild
my grandfather drove one in ww2. he tryed to buy this bike after war but failled.
so i have to find one.
regards erik
berlin germany
Fri Apr 23 2010
vnce<at>msndot com
1948 MXIII F N Motorcycle
F N 350cc MXIII
I am interested in selling this bike. I'm not sure what the value is. Could you help me?
Farmington, New Mexico, USA
The page on Motorcycle Valuations may prove helpful.
Sun Jan 24 2010
carton.bernard at neuf.fr
FN M22 for sell
FN Herstal M22
Hello, I own a M22 FN motorcycle I want to sell. It may be for parts but I think the whole engine may be restored. Some parts are not original.
Grenoble (France)
Fri Dec 11 2009
oahalvo at hotmail.com28ivw
fn 1937m11
i am the owner of a FN motorcycklen under restauraisjon and i miss som parts hwere can i get this?
Wed Dec 02 2009
chofman at eircom.net
looking for a FN 450 M13
FN 450 M13
I am looking to buy a FN 450 M13 , same model as the one my father had from 1954 to 1971
Roscrea , Ireland
Wed Nov 25 2009
fpvsimoes at gmaildot com
Crankshaft for M-71 Standard from 1937
FN M71, Model 1937
I am Paulo SImões from Portugal and I need a complete Crankshaft or complete engine for a FN from 1937 (M71). Can you help me?
Sat Nov 14 2009
lorinox at libero.it
FN M86
FN M86
I am interested to buy a FN M86 motorcycle, not restored. Can i have some address or information about it?
Is There anyone who can give me info's? Thank you.
Casale di Mezzani (Parma, Italy)
Thu Oct 29 2009
tim.hutchinson at arlafoods.com
FN M11
FN M11
Dear Sir
I am the owner of a 1938 FN M11 Motorcycle.
I have decided to sell the bike and have entered it with Bonhams for the next auction on the 18th November at The York show ground at Harrogate.
The bike was manufactured in small numbers and i have been informed by The FN owners club that it is the sole bike in the uk. Bonhams have also confirmed that on checking their records they have never auctioned this model before(ever)
The FN owners club have kindly posted the bike details on their website with pictures. You and your members can view, if interested them on the website shown below.Once on the website you just need to click the top left HOME icon and scroll down past the first post card picture and the details can be viewed by clicking red coloured text where necessary.
I am contacting you because i cannot find anywhere in the UK a club for FN's. If you have a FN marque specialist you may be kind enough to pass this info on for if any FN enthusiasts may be interested .
Tue Apr 28 2009
roberts.rodney at gmaildot com
Magneto, Distributor and Carburetor
1910 FN 4cyl Motor Cycle Frame number 35778
I am looking for parts for my 1910 4cyl FN. I am missing the Magneto, Distributor and carburetor. Any assistance or advise you could offer would be greatfully appreciated. Kind regards Rod Roberts
Sydney. Australia
Fri Apr 18 2008
todos at doctron.net
FN M70 for sale
FN M70
Hello, I am from Portugal and I am selling a FN M70 350cc with all documents for 15000€
Sun Mar 16 2008
sim.forestier at laposte.net
decoration du reservoir
FN M 90
pouvez vous m'envoyer une photo du reservoir d'essence en version lux ou me resseigner sur la cecalcomanie ainsi que les formes peintes et chromees? merci
Sun Dec 09 2007
franky.lava at euphonynet.be
fn m22 1955
I am restoring an fn m22 1955; I need the exhaust pipes and decals. Anything for sale??
Leffinge - Flanders
Mon Oct 29 2007
djjon at inbox.lv
Out for sale!
FN M86 Special
It's Janis Macarovskis from Latvia, I am selling my FN M86 Special motorcycle (price is not low), some pictures are attached, if someone is interested, please write me.
With respect.
About specs etc:
1. Model: FN M86 Special
2. Developed in Belgium in year 1935.
3. 500ccm
4. Max speed: ~145 km/h
5. Weight: ~145kg
6. Bronze cylinderhead
7. Single muffler
8. Wheels: front: 21" rear: 20"
The same bike is advertised above, 2016 entry from Latvia.
Fri Oct 19 2007
kosmas7553 at hotmaildot com
FN 500 Motor bike 1913
I know a person thats intersting to sell
Is in very good working condision.. Please let me know how to find how much is worth? Thank you very much. Kos
The page on Motorcycle Valuations may prove helpful.
Sat Jul 28 2007
carl77 at lycos.co.uk
FN Motorcycle
FN M22 '56/57 250cc two stroke
Hi, I have one of these identical to the one in your gallery.
Wondered what the demand and fetching price is for one in similiar condition. My attachmentst don't seem to go through on your site.
ANy help would be appreciated and leads to buyers.
South Africa
The page on Motorcycle Valuations may prove helpful.
Mon Jul 09 2007
haakon.palmqvist at gambrodot com
FN 500cc OHV 1930 original. SOLD
For sale, FN 500cc OHV 1930,original. Price: 63000Skr. (Swedish kr.)
I living in sout of Sweden, Palmqvist.
Sun Mar 25 2007
kis-gazsi at hotmaildot com
looking for parts
FN M90 SV 500 1930 or 1931
Hi, my name is gabor from hungary I would like to rebuilt my fn m90 I'm looking for head light, exhaust pipe, muffler,etc thank you.
Tue May 01 2007
I'm looking for parts
FN M90 1930
Thanks for your quick answer.the head light was a bosch and the rear side of it looks unfinised and the electric switch is there, looks unusual
Thu Mar 01 2007
frankswst at yahoodot com
Hi I saw a 1913 fn bike from a las vegas auction and was intriqued enough to look up more about it online. I was wondering how rare these bikes are, I like the later models as well & if they were sold in the usa or only in europe. Any
information would be helpful. Thankyou
bakersfield, ca
Thu Feb 22 2007
f-brw at hotmaildot com
FN Motorcycles
This email just to know more about FN Motorcycles status. Is this "myth" still alive ? Fan club ? Was the success of FN Motocycles worldwide or local only ? All info welcome.
Tue Feb 06 2007
victor.vaughan at btinternetdot com
Old engine
FN 4 cylinder
Have got this engine don't know the year or model, any ideas, and what about value, and is there a demand for this type of thing. Caroline
Somerset UK
Many thanks for your help in identifying the engine. After reading the FN specs we have found that the spare barrel and pistons are 48mm bore, and 11 fins. There is actually the lower crank case is on the engine, so the other one is a
We have also found an engine number, which is 489.
Thats all at the moment, many thanks, thinking about e-bay. Caroline
Wed Jan 17 2007
duarte.garcia at viuvalamego.com [bounced]
FN 4 Cilinder 1912?
I want to restaure my FN, but I am missing both wheels and other few spares.Ho shall I contact?
Best regards
There are numerous FN resources listed here:
Wed Jan 03 2007
jrobinrobb at yahoo.co.uk
FN Motorcycle
FN Year 1909 (?) 4 cylinder 748cc
I am trying to trace a FN m/cycle that was restored in the late a960's by my friend Harry Buchanan, former m/cycle racer and Irish Scrambles champion. It was a 1909 (?)4cylinder 748cc model and belonged to a Georgr Saintfield (?) who had a
transport companythat operated between the UK and Belgium. It was passed to Harry as a collection of bits in a large box with the request to put it all together!
Harry restored it to perfectionfor Mr Saintfield and then rode it successfully in the Belgian Rallyabout 1966-1969 to prove that it would run.
The license plate then was H-4718.
Harry is now in his late seventies and would be very interested to know whatever became of the bike with which he was so involved at one time in his life.
If you should know anything at all about this machine, or can give me a clue as to how I might find out, I would be most pleased to hear from you at:
jrobinrobb at yahoo.co.uk
Many thanks
Robin Robb
Stamford, England
Mystery bike in Finland possibly FN?
Sat Mar 04 2006
brianrumbold at hotmaildot com
FN M12
Answer to question about generator -it is Bosch RD45/6/2200-ALS16.
please contact me .I have 2 M12 undergoing rebuild
Wed Feb 15 2006
Scotty-Fielman at web.de
volume of fn m70l sahara...
hello! i have a fn m70l.i need some technical datas for the permission.the moast improtant data is volume level... i have searches everywehre and don't found enything. i hope someone can help me... thanx, gerald
Mon Jan 30 2006
mikatinas at yahoo.co.uk
fn m12 magneto
hello,I was wondering what type of magneto the m12 had.Maybe "magnetosfrance"?
Sat Nov 05 2005
blazeafar at hatmaildot com
FN M86 information
I ran across some information you may be interested in regarding the 1938? FN M86.
See the attached link.
http://www.defesa.ufjf.br/arq/Art-13.htm 404
FN86 Armoured Motorcycles
Mon May 23 2005
fn.oldtimers at telenet.be
FN motorcycles from 1902 up to 1965
For all kind of information about any FN motorcycles please contact: users.telenet.be/FN.oldtimers
Tue May 10 2005
sarah.porter at angliadot com
FN Bike Type 71
Trying to find information for my dad. He's purchased an FN type 71 but struggling to find information on restoration etc. Unsure where to look. please help !
Wed Apr 20 2005
brianwallace at icon.co.za
Early FN motorcycle
I have just aquired the remains of two early FN motorcycles.
2 engine casings, No 2013 and 2035 (both of these are four cylinders.
Frames 72113 and 41096.
Could these be dated, and is it possible to contact someone who has or knows something about these machines?
Thank you,
Brian Wallace
Thanks for the quick reply.
The bikes are about 800 kms away from here at the moment. Will be fetching them in about three weeks.
They are in a thousand pieces and it will take quite a while before I can get them (or it) together.
The one frame, No 40196 is too narrow to take the four cylinder casings - obviously earlier and perhaps from a single. This frame is good.
The other frame, No 72113 takes the four cylinder engine but it is in very bad shape. The engine which is complete and in reasonable condition was used to run a circular saw. Unfortunately, in order to remove the engine, the frame was cut up
and some of it is missing. I will have to replace tubes and it would be imperative to measure up a good frame to make a jig for rebuilding the frame.
The engine is a side valve, so that makes it post 1913. This is confirmed by the fact that it has a three speed gearbox.
Gear shift is at the rear right side of the tank.
I'll e-mail you any other details as I discover them.
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005
subject: F N 250 2 stroke 1956?
Email: interantiques at yahoo.co.uk
message: I have inherited a FN 250 2 stroke 2 cylinder LUXE-CARENEE It is in need of restoration but is 100% original it has been greased and in storeage for the last 20 years, I do not know what to do with it does any one know if this is a
rare model as I can not find out any thing about it.
The frame number is 882393.
The engine number is the same 882393.
Many thanks. Roy
The bike is most likely an FN M22. Ed.
Date: Sat, 05 Mar 2005
subject: fn
Email: ldiprimio at ngf.com.ar
message: hi, congratulations for thw web page.It is really wonderfull to have all bikes info in 1 page.
I am a FN enthutiast, I have 1 fn M86 and a M67 in restoration. I wonder if you could send me same pictures of the page, but in bigger size.
thanks a lot
Veteran FN motorcycles in Australia
at http://museumvictoria.com.au
c1906 FN four cylinder at a race meeting
c1909 FN single cylinder badged as a Speedwell (from State Library NSW)
c1912 FN four cylinder from State Library NSW
c1913 FN single in the Australian Army from Campbelltown City Library, NSW
Thanks to users.senet.com.au/%7Emitchell/links/imaglink.htm Leon Mitchel for this information
February 12, 2001
Good day fellow enthusiasts.
I hope you can help ! A friend of mine has just bought an FN motorcycle. As none of us are experts on this marque we hope that you can help identify it.
It is a single cylinder 500 cc ( we assume), twin port.
The engine number is 10118.
Two numbers on the frame have been found - The first I think is the casting number at 870819.
The second number is 9874.
The only items missing that are obvious at this stage are the Speedo and the front light internals such as reflector, globe holder etc.
What year would this be.
Where can we get a parts manual for the bike.
Both of us are really BMW fans but my friend bought the bike because it is so well made and still in pretty good condition.
We thus like to rebuild it back to original standard.
Many Thanks
Derek Marsden -- marsden at yebo.co.za
South Africa
If you have a query or information about FN motorcycles please contact us