Exeter Speedway History

Bert Spencer Speedway Rider, Part 2


Apologies for the dropsheets, paint tins and scattered detritus. More information...

  • Bert Spencer, Part 1

  • Additional Information

    As additional information arrives in, it will be stored here until sufficient information can be found to enable it to be fitted in the story proper. These next three photographs were discovered by Paul Spencer:

    An interesting one to start with. Paul believes this to be on a ship and no doubting the Australian badges on the Jackets, could this be a shot of those early pioneers that traveled to England ?

    I am currently studying old pictures to try and identify the other people in the photograph.

    Maybe others reading this page will recognise one of the others, if so, please email me and help solve the riddle.

    We are definitely looking for help from old Exeter riders, supporters or indeed anyone who might just be able to put a name to the couple in the second photograph.

    This old photograph is of Bert's one-time mechanic with his wife and was taken in a back garden somewhere in Exeter. This information was written on the back of an old photograph and it would be wonderful to find out who these happy looking couple were.

    Any information whatsoever would be helpful, even perhaps the location of the house in the picture, presumably somewhere near to the Exeter track?

    Last picture we have names for and I am currently looking into this one as it may help identify the riders pictured in the old Exeter team shot shown on the main story Page.

    This photo was also found to have writing on the reverse side and states that the other Gentlemen are Eric Collins and Stan Upton. Hopefully I will be able to shed more light on these riders in due course.

    We hope that others who read this story may have further information on Bert's Racing days and that his son, Paul, can again have a full record of this Great Man's story.