Brown Brothers Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Brown Bros Motorcycles 1907


MESSRS. BROWN BROS., LTD., have during the past few years enjoyed an excellent reputation as the vendors of first-class motor bicycles, so that it is not surprising that their 1907 models still maintain this high standard, with the addition of one or two important improvements and refinements.

Like all up-to-date firms, they are aware of the importance of turning out a thoroughly good two-speed gear. A single-cylinder (an illustration of which we herewith reproduce) is fitted with an epicyclic gear giving two speeds operated by the vertical lever, which is seen fixed to the side of the crank case. Pushing the lever forward applies a band brake around the gear drum, which puts the low gear in action.

With the lever vertical the engine is free, and drawn back the high gear is in action the whole of the gear being then locked and revolving as an extra flywheel. The counter-shaft bracket is provided with a swing adjustment, which thus allows the short chain to be tightened or loosened as occasion requires.

A starting handle is supplied in every case with this gear. No pedals are fitted, but comfortable footrests are supplied, which are attached to the down tube of the frame An interesting fitting on this machine is the petrol tap, which has two functions; firstly to admit petrol into the carburetter, and, secondly, to act as a drain tap.

Not only as regards two-speed gears are Messrs. Brown Bros, up-to-date, but being fully alive to the importance of reliability, they also fit magneto ignition to their 1907 motor bicycles. For the control of this a very neat and efficient switch has been provided, which is attached to the handle-bar...

The Motor Cycle