Guiller Motorcycles

Guiller Motorcycles

A Brief History of the Marque

guiller-freres logo

Manufactured 1929-19541
Guiller Frères
1 place du Puy-le-vau
Fontenay-le-Comte (Vendée)

The brothers René and Pierre Guiller built motorcycles of this name from 1929, and had previously produced machines of 175 to 350cc under the Origan marque. They also produced bicycles, possibly as early as 1909, and may have had a separate production facility for these.

In 1927 they acquired the Barré marque which had produced motorcycles, bicycles and automobiles.

The firm produced several models in the 1940's and 50's powered by engines from AMC , Ydral, Aubier Dunne and possibly other suppliers. In the 1950s they built Italian SIM scooters under licence. ²

In 1954 the brothers separated. René Guiller continued under his own name, and his brother Pierre's two sons launch their own make, Guiller SA, at 16 et 18, rue del la République.

The two branches of the family went on to produce motorcycles independently, and both businesses closed around 1958.

Aquitania Bicycles

A document titled "Cycles Aquitania Guiller Freres, 1925-1926" reads:

Nos bicyclettes " Aquitania ont acqus une renommée qui les-ont placées en tête Je la fabrication Francaise. Elles sont vendnes dans toute la France et dans tous les pays étrangers.

Our "Aquitania" bicycles have acquired a reputation that has placed in the lead the French manufacture. They are sold throughout France and in all foreign countries.

Sources: w.vanvliet at, j.roquecave at, et al.

1. Some sources list the Guiller marque as being produced from the late 1920s, others that it began in 1947 and that Oregan machines were produced concurrently to around 1950.
2. Henshaw and Atlas Cards note this.
The marque has no relationship with René Gillet other than that René Guiller once worked there.

fredetrecagnacois at
scooter guiller 125 cc
je vous ecris car recemment j ai fais l acquisition d un scooter de la marque guiller et je souhaiterai me renseigner avant de le remettre en route, il est en tres bon etat, mais je voudrais mettre la main sur une revue technique pour avoir plus de precision.
Je souhaiterai savoir s il etait possible d en acquerir une et si oui, ou est ce que je pourrais la trouver.
Je souhaiterai aussi avoir un prix approximatif de ce scooter il a 6000 km d origine pas une rayure et une peinture courrecte .
E n esperant avoir une reponse pour remettre en super etat ce gros coup de coeur.
I am writing to you because recently I acquired a scooter from the guiller brand and I would like to inquire before restarting it, it is in very good condition, but I would like to get my hands on a technical review to have more precision.
I would like to know if it was possible to acquire one and if so, where could I find it.
I would also like to have an approximate price for this scooter it has 6000 km of origin not a scratch and a short paint.
Hoping to have an answer to restore this big crush.
frederic canac

Thu Jun 16 2016
paul-sutherland2 at sky.con
Guiller 175
I need help finding out parts supply 1952
Brighton UK

Thu May 29 2014
toni.ramirez at
Estimated sales price for a Guiller Frerees G.88.
Guiller motocycles Frerees G.88
Dear Sirs, I recently receive a Guiller Frerees G.88 from year 1950, and I would like to sell it. I would like if you could advice me about market sales price. Its running perfectly and looks perfect. I am located in Spain, but I do not see anyone lto compare. Thanks in advanced, Toni Tamirez

Tue Apr 17 2012
Rene Guiller 250AMC/ACT
je recherche tout document sur la 250 rene Guiller et surtout de son cycle!

Thu Mar 03 2011
Old French
Guiller G88 poss
Came across this in France but not sure of model, 125cc/150cc or 175cc?

Thu Jun 18 2009
keeken13 at hotmaildot com<
AMC 125cc parts
1951 guiller preres
Were do I get parts to restaurate mij motorcycle? Could someone show me the way?


Michel van Keeken

Fri Aug 18 2006
gary.reid at ascoplcdot com<
G90? (no photos yet)
A friend has purchased a Guiller motorcycle from a Frenchman living in Scotland and I was trying to find out more about it for him (he is elderly and has no PC)?

The plate on the frame reads as follows;

8Z27 OR 8727 OR 8Z2Z

It has a small AMC engine but we couldn't get any numbers from it yet but I think it could be the 175cc model? It has never been registered in the UK? The previous owner had no paperwork either?

If anyone could help with technical details etc I'd appreciate it, thanks?

Gary A Reid
Cruden Bay

28th February 2005

In September 2004 I have bought a motorcycle made by the manufacturer René Guiller, type G88 with an engine AMC 125 cc ( AMC = Ateliers Mécanique du Centre, 9 Rue Agrippa d'Auvigné, Clermont-Ferrand in France ). This motorcycle must renewed totally; look at the photos in the attach.

Some facts :
- first day in running 05.03.1951
- licensenumber : 89 GB No. 092711
- Platenumber 761 DG 55, dated at 22.02.1965 on the name of Albert Muller in the village Villecloye, County de la Meuse in France
- Engine number AMC - D 08993
- Frame number 5287
- Carburator number AMAC 913 / 065
- 4 speed by foot as well as extra help with a handle by hand

If anyone is in the posession of any information, it doesn't mather what, everything is welcome !

En Septembre 2004 j'ai acheté une motocyclette du manufacteur René Guiller du type G88 avec un moteur AMC 125 cc ( AMC = Ateliers Mécanique du Centre, 9 Rue Agrippa d'Auvigné, Clermont-Ferrand en France ). Cette motocyclette doit être restauré totalement; voyez les photos en annexe.

Quels faits :
- date de 1ère remise en circulation 05.03.1951
- certificat d'immatriculation : 89 GB No. 092711
- No. immatriculation 761 DG 55, date 22.02.1965, au nom de Muller, Albert en domicile Villecloye, Préfecture de la Meuse en France
- No. moteur AMC - D 08993
- No. cadre 5287
- No. carburateur AMAC 913 / 065
- 4 vitesses par sélecteur au pied et levier auxiliaire à main

Si quelqu'un dispose des informations, cela ne fait rien, tous soit agréables !


Willem van Vliet
Hoogstraat 65
3862 AK Nijkerk
the Netherlands / les Pays-Bas
E-mail w.vanvliet at

Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005
subject: missing French manufacturer
Email: w.vanvliet at
message: I'm missing Guiller; he has produced several bikes in the 40's and 50's. René Guiller was formerly working at René Gillet. Guiller produced bikes with engines from AMC and other engine suppliers.
I am in the possession of a Guiller G88 from 1951.

If you have a query or information about Guiller motorcycles, please contact us