Italian Motorcycles

Motorcycles Built in Italy (I)

Notes on some of the rarer Italian marques

This page lists brands for which limited information is available. For a more complete listing visit the Italian Index.

See also Obscure Italian Marques.

Manufactured by Industria Bicimotociclistica Italiana Sperimentale, 1948-1950
Address: Via del Piombo 2 and Via F. Sabatucci 11, Bologna
Founders: Canzio Bonora, Walter Sita, Antonio Ceroni, Anita Frascaroli

Built light motorcycles with two-stroke engines of 50cc and 75cc.

Unrelated to Ibis of Torino

Sources: Museo del Patrimonio Industriale, Bologna, et al.

1926-1928, Milano
The firm built motorcycles using their own engines along with 175 to 500cc units from Blackburne and JAP. Production volume was low.

IMC 1949-1957, Bologna


Manufactured by Enrico Torricelli from 1931 to 1955. Machines were fitted with JAP and New Imperial engines, and in 1939 he built his own sloper engine of superior quality with an all-alloy top end. Post-war the engine was further developed with a bevel-drive OHC, with numerous enhancements until 1954.

Source: MC Storico Conti

N.B. There is no reference to this marque in any of the literature. The now defunct motoclubstoricoconti gave no source.

Casa fondata da Enrico Torricelli che, dal 1932, inizia a produrre motociclette equipaggiate prima con motori JAP 500 e poi New Imperial. Altro motore nasce nel 1939, è un monocilindrico di 500 cc con caratteristiche tecniche assai più avanzate rispetto ai motori dell’epoca. Si presenta con un disegno nitido e compatto, caratterizzato dal cilindro leggermente inclinato in avanti e dal cambio Burman a quattro marce, testa e cilindro sono in lega leggera con canna riportata in ghisa. Dopo la guerra, il motore è perfezionato realizzando anche una versione con albero a camme in testa comandate da alberello e coppie coniche. L’ultima evoluzione del 1954, presenta carter completamente ridisegnati, testa e cilindro generosamente alettati e frizione a secco. Nonostante le alte prestazioni, il motore non incontra il successo aspettato e la Casa deve chiudere.


Manufactured by Stabilimento Meccanico Carlo Mantovani & C., Torino via Saluzzo, 88. 1903-1906.

In 1903 Mantovani had purchased the automobile firm Bender & Martiny, of which he was a director, and then renamed it. He continued to produce a small number of cars, but construction was mainly of motorcycles and bicycles.


Rarer Italian Marques