The all-chain-drlven 6-7 h.p. L.M.C. for 1921. The wheels are 650 x 65 mm.
Enclosed chain drive, a 960 c.c. engine, and 28in. X 3in. wheels, are features of the 1921 L.M.C. 8-9 h.p. Colonial model.
L.M.C. saddle comfort will be available for riders of other machines; the makers are placing the device on the market as an accessory.
Advance Particulars of Well-known Machines designed for Overseas Requirements.
L.M.C. Saddle Suspension to be sold also as an Accessory.
GOOD material and plain straightforward design have always been characteristics of the L.M.C. motor cycles. To these reasons perhaps is due their popularity Overseas, where they may be found in every clime.
In the Home Country, too, they are far from unknown, which goes to show that conditions generally are not so widely different as is sometimes supposed.
For the past year the Lloyd Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., has, like many of its contemporaries, been labouring under difficulties of obtaining raw materials, with the result that the new models now about to be introduced have long since passed through the experimental stage, and have had a thoroughly good testing while awaiting production facilities.
The chief features of the 1919 6-7 h.p. model are retained, the main alteration being the all-chain drive in place of chain-cum-belt transmission, although, if desired, the latter will be supplied to those who appreciate its comparative simplicity. In lieu of a fully-enclosed case for the rear chain, a light guard is fitted on this model.
A "Between-size" Engine.
Of 842 c.c. capacity, the engine, which has a bore and stroke of 76 mm. and 86 mm. respectively, is a size midway between the 750 c.c. engine so popular before the war, and the 1,000 c.c. power unit in vogue at the present time. It will, therefore, appeal to those big twin enthusiasts who are thinking of a little reduction in capacity to counteract the increased price of petrol.
The other model is larger all round, with 28x3in. wheels, a three-gallon tank, a higher frame, and a larger engine. The last-mentioned has a capacity of 960 c.c., the cylinders being 79x98 mm.
As will be seen from the illustration, the design is extremely compact, there being no gaps between the various units. Notwithstanding, it is possible to remove the cylinders without disturbing the rest of the engine. The well-known L.M.C. spring forks are retained in a modified form. They have now long phosphor bronze bearings to the links at the fork-ends, and, as there are adequate means to lubricate these bearings, the forks should stand up to the hardest sidecar work.
An amply wide mudguard is fitted to the front wheel. It is so made that the fork members pass through it, thus securing a clearance of more than an inch on each side of the tyre. At the rear wheel, too, a wide guard is fitted.
Braking is concentrated upon the driving wheel, and takes the form of an internal expanding ring of bronze actuated by a pedal and a hand-operated external band brake. As an alternative to the latter, however, a block brake to work inside the V of a special rim is supplied to order.
Comfortable Seat Suspension.
On both models Lloyd's patent suspension is used to give saddle comfort. It will be remembered, perhaps, that this device consists of a saddle top fixed to a cantilever beam pivoted well forward of the rider and extends to a position approximating to that of the usual springs. Here the beam is connected to a long spring-loaded plunger which also carries stays supporting the rear ends of the footboards. Under the centre of the saddle is a roller supported on another plunger, with springs and distance pieces according to the weight of the rider.
At the time of writing we have in our possession one of these new models fitted with this device, and we have no hesitation in saying that it is one of the best substitutes for a spring frame we have tried. The streets - especially the side streets - of Birmingham are notoriously bad, and for the first time since, the war we have traversed them in comparative comfort on the L.M.C.
We have found the machine to be exceptionally fast, while the spring forks function in a manner that leaves little to be desired in this direction.
It is the intention of the Lloyd Motor Engineering Co. to market the saddle suspension part of this device separately for existing machines. It may be fitted to almost every machine on the market which has a tube over the tank. We feel sure that agents who are enterprising enough to demonstrate this device will find employment for their mechanics, during the slack time in the winter, by fitting it to their customers' machines. No structural alterations are necessary, and it may be possible to utilise existing saddle tops.
The Motor Cycle October 7th, 1920 Page 414
L.M.C. (Stand 10.)
6-7 h.p.; 79x86 mm. (842 c.c.); twin-cylinder four-stroke; side-by-side valves; drip feed lubrication; B. and B. carburetter; M-L chain-driven magneto; Sturmey-Archer gear; 650 x 65 mm. tyres. 10s.
Lloyd Motor Engineering Co., Ltd., Monument Road, Birmingham.
No great change has taken place in the general lines, but special attention has been paid to the design of a machine for overseas use larger wheels and tyres are fitted , all-enclosed chain drive is adopted, and, of course, this model is eminently suitable for home use also.
On the standard model a chain guard is fitted to the top portion of the chain only. A special feature is the saddle and footboard suspension system, which gives a very flexible and easy riding motion. As regards engine design in the case of the 8-9 h.p. model, the stroke is lengthened, the bore being the same. Silencing has been well carried out, and a large cast aluminium box silencer is fitted, with an extension pipe. Cast aluminium foot-boards and mudguards of ample size are good features, and the black finish with gold lines is pleasing, and, at the same time, very serviceable. Accessibility of the various components has been carefully studied, and, altogether, both models are sound reliable jobs. The 6-7 h.p. model may also be had with chain and belt transmission.
Olympia Show, 1920
The Motor Cycle, December 2nd, 1920. Page 702