
LMC Motorcycles 1907

Stanley Show, November 1907

The Lloyd Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd.
(Stand 68).

The L.M.C. motor bicycle is one of the finest examples of the British-made touring machine, three in all being shown. The engine is a 3½ h.p., with bore and stroke of 81 x 88. Magneto ignition is fitted as a standard, which is a point well worth consideration, and the magneto drive is carried out in a particularly effective manner. The drive is by means of gear wheels, and alternate bronze and steel wheels are fitted, thus rendering the transmission perfectly silent. Every magneto is adjusted when received at the works, and is guaranteed to start the engine at the first turn of the pedals. The exhaust valve tappet is made reversible, so that if there is excessive wear on one side the tappet can be turned round and the unworn side used, thus prolonging the life of this important part of the engine.

The elbow of the inlet pipe is easily detachable from the pipe itself, and is held in position by means of a stirrup fitted with a small set-screw at the end, rendering the inlet valve easily and quickly accessible. The whole engine is self-contained - that is to say, by removing the bolts which hold the engine to the frame, the magneto, carburetter, and silencer all come away together.

Another interesting point concerning the magneto transmission is that it is self-lubricating from the engine, the oil being delivered from the crank case into the magneto gear case. Every pinion is drilled with a hole running from a space between one of the teeth to the spindle, so that not only the teeth, but also the spindles are properly lubricated. Another interesting point is that every machine is fitted with a leather magneto cover. The levers are held in position by means of a spring pressing against two ... ones, so that it is practically impossible for them to work loose. No joints are made on the connecting rods to the control levers, these being hooked in position. The engine is of ample power, and most efficient, chiefly owing to a patent gudgeon pin, which Mr. Lloyd, the designer, has invented.

The appearance of the machine is distinctly businesslike, and the comfort of the rider has been well studied, that the best type of saddle and spring forks have been provided. Two powerful brakes fitted to the back wheel, one acting on the belt pulley rim operated by a Bowden wire, and the other by means of a pedal acting on a drum screwed on to the rear wheel spindle.

A particularly good stand is also supplied, which will allow the back wheel to be taken out and yet permit of the machine being supported off the ground at the same time. The stand can be put into operation without touching it with the hands, it only being necessary to push the machine forward, when the stand flies back into a horizontal position....

Article 2 Lloyd Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd.
(Stand 68).

Three models of the Lloyd 3 1/2 h.p. machine, two to be shown enamelled in green and gold line finish, the other Indian red, and gold line finish. On the stand will be two complete engines mounted on pedestals to show the driving mechanism of the magneto. The Lloyd machine is supplied complete with stand (which is fixed independent of the back axle) a suitable carrier and a set of tools.

The machine has been given most exhaustive tests, and it is claimed that it will attain a speed of forty miles an hour, will climb any hill on a main road without pedal assistance, and can be throttled down to a speed of five miles per hour with the engine beating regularly.

Stanley Show 1907
The Motor Cycle, November 1907