Rudge Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Rudge Motorcycles 1915


(L) 5-6 h.p. long-stroke Rudge-Multi. (R) The 1915 T.T. model, which is similar to this year's Tourist Trophy model


3½ h.p., 5-6 h.p. Single-cylinder and 7h.p. Twin-cylinder Models, all embodying the Multi-gear.

LAST week Messrs. Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., Coventry, arranged a press view of their 1915 model motor cycles, and, together with their pedal cycles, were able to make up quite a little show of itself, the new models in their resplendent finish being given quite a set off by the red baize on which they were displayed.

The new Rudges seem altered but little to a casual observer, though closer investigation reveals the master hand of experience at almost every turn. Trouble with a Rudge does not usually manifest itself on two occasions if the enterprising management can prevent it. They are not slow to profit by experience, and at once check any source of trouble by an amended design, or entirely new design, of part if deemed advisable.

The different models for 1915 remain as last year with the addition of the Rudge Multwin, which we described in detail during the summer. This model has, however, undergone .several changes since last we referred to it. The magneto is now carried in front of the crank case on the usual design of bracket, provided with slots to take up any slackness in the driving chain. The sparking plugs are the Reflex, which are well spoken of, and they are placed in the centre of the cylinder heads.

In connection with the crank case we noticed that a commendable attempt had been made to simplify cleaning, by making the exterior practically smooth and devoid of the usual corners in which, dirt collects. The halves of the crank case make a clean and flush joint. As regards the internal features, a flat topped piston is used with an obliquely cut ring top and bottom and a deep recess between the upper and lower portions. This design of piston, it may be added, is common to all types. The forked connecting rod bearing has been slightly amended in design. The steel housing of the roller bearing is fixed in the double rod, the single rod working on the exterior of the housing. Several oil leads are formed.

The silencer is of very large capacity and placed under the bottom bracket. Separate pipes are used for each cylinder, and two outlet pipes of smaller diameter convey the spent gases to the rear. A new Senspray pilot jet carburetter with top feed to the float chamber has been adopted for this model, which allows this big twin to turn over smoothly and slowly. It is clamped to the inlet pipes so that ready removal is a feature.

The engine is started by pedals connected to the half time shaft in the usual Rudge manner.

The Single-cylinder Models.

The other models are the very taking 3½ h.p. T.T. model (85 x 88 mm.) with sloping top tube - as natty a racer as was ever produced, and which scored a victory in this year's International T.T. race - a 3½ h.p. Multi roadster, and the 5-6 h.p. 85 x 132 mm. single-cylinder.

Free engine machines have given place this year to the wonderfully simple multi-gear. New features common to all the machines are spokes of 10 gauge (12 gauge was used last year), butted at both cuds. Thus the points of contact when the gear is in operation have been greatly strengthened. The carrier is of stouter construction and has a couple of stays. A tray is formed on the top with extensions enveloping the tool bags and thus retaining their true shape. The spring forks are provided with greasers, having a hexagon head for the application of a spanner. Both these futures arc clearly indicated by the sketches on this page.

Foot operated pumps are worthy of attention, the pedal operating the pump by means of a Bowden wire being worked by the right heel, the oil compartment is attached to the sent tube, and to prevent the security nuts coming adrift a wire is inserted through them. This practice we noticed had been adopted in several instances of important nuts in order to lock them permanently in position, Rudges have always had handle-bar controlled clutches and a powerful rear brake, which does not affect the ready withdrawal of the wheel. With the adoption of the C.A.V. magneto the 1915 Rudge is all-British - and a credit to its country of origin.

Well finished sidecars may be obtained fitted to any model Rudge. The spoking of the wheel is of the dished type with the flat sides of the spokes next the car.

The chassis is underslung, and a hood and screen may be obtained. The finish is either Rudge green and aluminium or dark green alone.

The Motor Cycle, November 26th, 1914. pp593, 594.