
The Motor Cycle Magazine 1909

This is a partial index for 1909, published 1909/09/08.

  • A.C. Tricars.
  • Accidents, Motorists’ Behaviour after, 328
  • Accumulators, Charging, 440
  • Acer, Ltd., Regrinding Cylinders, 139
  • Aeroplane, Possibilities of the Motor Cycle, 340
  • — Race, Particulars of Proposed Race
  • — from Paris to Havre, 13
  • Air Cooling, Henriod System, 134
  • — Intake, Control of Main, 30
  • Allanite Rotary Valve Engine, 322. 349
  • Allinson Internal Expanding Brake, 228
  • “ Amac.” (See Carburetters.)
  • Amateur Trials, 103 American Endurance Trial, 415
  • — Motordrome at Indianapolis, 197
  • — Quarterly Trials, N.Y.M.C.C., 251
  • — Records. (See Records, American.)
  • “ Among the English Lakes,” by Allen Phillips, 174, 175, 193, 195
  • Aston Villa, Track Racing at, 400
  • Australia, Motor Cycling in Gilgrandia (illustration), 317
  • — New South Wales, 459
  • — South Australia, 63, 261, 312 Victoria, 163
  • — Vehicles in, 11
  • — Victorian M.C.C. Championship Meeting, Feb. 13th, 369
  • Austrian Volunteer Motor Corps, 221
  • “ Autocum.” (See Sparking Plugs.)
  • Auto Cycle Legion, The, by P. W. Bischoff, 413, 414
  • — — Progress of, 427, 428
  • Auto Cycle Union, Affiliation of the Scottish Clubs, 10
  • — Annual General Meeting, 242
  • — Competitions in 1909, 19, 20
  • — Council Meeting, Jan. 30th, 91
  • — Cut-outs in Competitions, 1
  • — Local Centre Scheme, 1,15,16, 59
  • — M.C.C., Secession of, 39, 40, 69, 138, 182, 236, 277, 293, 327
  • — Metropolitan Centre, 203
  • — “ Motor Cycle Lamps,” by P. W. Bischoff, 61-63, 80-82
  • — News, 148, 276, 234, 437-439
  • — Plymouth Run (illustration), 454, 463, 475
  • — Quarterly Trials, January, 53, 60, 64-66, 78, 85, 106
  • — — — — — April, 298, 314, 315
  • — 24th, Official Results
  • — and Judges’ Reports, 324, 325, 368
  • — Scarborough Hill-climb, 344
  • — Sheffield M.C.C., 27
  • — Six Days’ Trials, July 5th, 60, 122, 149, 417, 422, 453, 448, 449, 466, 467, 492
  • — Results and Awards.
  • — Supplement to July 21st
  • — Sixth Annual Dinner, 90
  • — Sutton Bank Open Hill-climb, May 14th, 360, 380-382
  • — (See also Northern Affiliation Scheme.)
  • Automatic Inlet Valves. (See Valves.)
  • Balancing a Single-cylinder, by “ Winkie,” 410, 411, 453
  • Barbrook Hill, Ascents of, 357, 416
  • — Survey by I. B. Hart-Davies, 216
  • Barker, G. L., Sidecar in Africa (illustration), 160 .
  • , J.A.P. 2.5 hp. Spring Frame Lightweight (illustration), 20
  • — Motor Mfg. Co. Two-speed Gears, 467
  • Belgian Imports and Exports, 32


  • Adjustable Fasteners, 84, 207, 311
  • Belt v. Chain Drive, 48, (57, 163
  • — Rims and Engine Pulleys, 177 1<
  • Fairchild Chain Belt, 134
  • Hathaway Belt Punch, 190
  • Inglis Articulated, 228
  • Lightning Belt Remover, 60
  • Passenger Work, Belts for, 460
  • Prices’ ’ Belt Remover (illustration), 393
  • Ravenhall Adjustable Fastener, 266
  • Rims for, 144
  • Shaft v. Belt Drive, 305
  • “ Shamrock-Gloria,” 103
  • Slip, Method of Preventing, 277
  • — on Lightweight Machines, 75, 118
  • Tension, 189
  • Thompson Protectee, 134
  • “ Whittle,” 327
  • “ Besco ” Pocket Tool Kit, 84
  • Bibby Tricar Frame, 38
  • Birch Cooling System, 38
  • Bischoff, P. W., ” The Auto Cycle Leigon,” by, 413, 414
  • Board of Trade Returns, Imports and Exports of Motor Cycles, 33
  • Bradbury and Co., Ltd., 52
  • Brake, Allinson Internal Expanding, 228
  • — Auto Cycle Union, Regulations, 201, 202, 209, 210, 218, 237, 257, 278
  • Brakes Generally, 30, 144
  • British M.C.R.C., Brooklands, 130, 184, 220, 238, 272
  • — First Members’ Meeting, April 22nd, 306, 307
  • — Second Members’ Meeting, May 19th, 375, 390, 391
  • — Third Members’ Meeting, June 16th, 447, 464
  • — Fourth Members’ Meeting, July 14th, 435, 437
  • Brooker, Mr. J. W. G., “ Lubrication,” by, 55 56
  • The T.T. Race, 1909 Regulations, 407, 408
  • Brooklands A.R.C., 59
  • — Automatic Chronograph, etc., 196, 197
  • — Easter Meeting, April 10th, 89, 248
  • — Inter-University Race Meeting, April 30th, 332, 333
  • — Test Hill Opening, 232
  • — Undergraduates Motor Cycling at, 143
  • — Whitsuntide Meeting, Programme, etc 320, 391
  • — Zenith M.C. Record on Test Hill, 254
  • — (See also British M.C R.C.)
  • Brown Handle-bar Control, 172
  • Buenos Ayres, Motor Cycle Race at, 221
  • Bullas, Mr. F. (illustration), 94
  • Buyers’ Guide, 1909, 114, 117
  • Camera, Method of Carrying, 318
  • Cameron’s All-weather Leg Guards, 201
  • Canadian Motor Cycling, 9
  • Carburetter, Amac, 84
  • — Automatic and Rigid Position, 170
  • — Adjustments, by B. H. Davies, 270
  • — Fitting a Spray, 227
  • — Improvement to an Obsolete Pattern, 6
  • — J.A.P. Automatic, 83, 366, 395
  • “ Monk ” Automatic, 214, 320
  • — New Control, 187
  • Carter, Mr. T. A. (illustration), 10
  • Ceylon, Cost of Petrol and Carbide in, 220
  • Chain Belt, Fairchild, 134
  • — v. Belt Drive, 48, 67
  • — Shaft Drive, 6
  • Change Speed Gear, A Simple, 516
  • Chapple, Captain, N.Y.M.C.C. (illustration), 145
  • Chapple Arthur G. (illustration), 292
  • “ Clair ” Silencer. (See Silencers.)
  • Clubs and the Industry, 106, 122, 164, 181, 202, 236, 273
  • Clutches, Dog and Friction, 132
  • — Multiple Plate, Action, 45, 46
  • Coil Consumption, Test of, 336
  • — Faults, How to Remedy, 29, 87
  • Collier, Chas. R., Hour Record, 33
  • — Twenty-four Hours’ Record, 431
  • — World’s Record Holder, 158, 159
  • Competitions, Standard Machines in, by “ Ixion,” 387, 389
  • — This Year’s, by McMinnies, 225
  • Compression, 27,* 58, 422, 434, 441
  • Continental Touring, 485
  • Control Wires, How to Remedy, 27
  • Cook, W. E. (illustration), June 2nd, iv.
  • Cost of Motor Cycling, 181, 219, 250, 274- 276
  • Coupling Devices, “ Unit-o ” (illustration), 42
  • Coventry M.C. Fifth Annual Dinner, 74
  • Cover, A New Rubber-studded, 415
  • Crank Cases, Advantages of Smooth, 138
  • — Oil-tight, 501, 502
  • Cruickshank, Mr. J. D. (illustration), 16
  • Crundall, J. F., Humber M.C. (illustration), 246


  • A.C.U. Affiliations, 452, 453
  • — Badge, 452
  • — Hill-climb, 183
  • — Lancashire Centro Meet, 353
  • — Legal Department, 471
  • — Metropolitan Centre, 204
  • — Permits, 435
  • — Quarterly Trials, 435
  • — Six Days’ Trials, 434, 453, 470, 489
  • — Twenty-four Hours’ London-Plymouth and Back Run, 557
  • Advance Four-cylinder Air-cooled Engine, 166
  • Aeroplanes, British Rights in, 88
  • Affiliation, 352 >
  • — of Scottish Clubs, 10 *
  • Alleged Obstruction to the Police, 435t
  • American Racing Men and their
  • Machines, 127
  • — Reliability Run, 398
  • Arnot, F. H., 434
  • Australia, Motor Vehicles in, 11
  • Austrian Competition Programme, 147
  • Auto Cycle Union Notes, 148
  • Balancing of Single-cylinder Engines, 453
  • Beggar’s Roost climbed by a Yorkshire Motor Cyclist, 488
  • Birmingham M.C.C. Hill-climb, 379
  • Board of Trade Returns, 33
  • Bradburys Redivivus, 33
  • Bradford M.C.C. Open Hill-climb, 489
  • British M.C.R.C., 184, 220, 238, 272 —?
  • Motor Vehicles in Holland, 489
  • Brooklands Meeting, 434
  • — Observations, 435
  • Budget, Effect on Petrol Imports, 452
  • — Proposals, 352
  • — and West Essex A.C., 379
  • Buenos Ayres, Motor Cycling at, 221
  • Cambridge Mammoth Show, 488
  • Carter, T., 10
  • Ceylon, Cost of Petrol and Carbide in, 220
  • Clarke, R., A Speedy Track Rider, 88
  • Coloured Warning Plates in Germany, 108
  • Continental Touring, 434
  • Coventry to Holyhead 12 Hours’ Run, 471
  • Crystal Palace Races, 471
  • Death of Mr. Gordon Levick, 331
  • Delivery of Letters, Motor Cycles for, 166
  • DustlessRoads. 331
  • Exports. British. 452
  • — of British Machines. 1K4
  • — Motor (’ycies. British. 291
  • Ferries, Birkenhead. 203
  • Florida Beach Races. 133
  • France. Number of Motor Cycles hi, 107
  • French Hill-climb. 70
  • From Glasgow to Monte Carlo (illustration). 105
  • German Motor Cycle Trial. 170
  • — Cycling Association Sixth Con* gross, 413
  • — Cyclists. 71
  • Germany’s Huge Exports of Motor Cycles, 107
  • Germany Standardising Motor Cycles. 183
  • Headlight tests, 153
  • Heaviest Motor <'velist. 152
  • Heavyweight Still Another. 171
  • Hill-climb Postponed, 434
  • Hour Record. World’s. 148
  • Imports and Exports, Belgian. 32
  • — German. 118
  • — Official Bet urns of the, 128
  • — of Motor Cycles. 108. 353
  • — Increase in Petrol, 294
  • — of Foreign Mot or Cycles, 184
  • — Motor Cycles, 4 52 Petrol. 32
  • Increase of Motorcycles in Germany. 238
  • Insurance Co.'s Report. 147
  • Inter-club Hill climb. 239
  • Irish End-to-End Trials 4 89 Reliability Trial. 134
  • Italian Reunion of Mol or Cyclists. 418
  • Leather Helmet, The, 434
  • Leeds M.C.C. Kelly Cup Competition. 118
  • London to Edinburgh Run. 435
  • — Plymouth and Baek. 435
  • Lyons Fixing Kilometre Trial. 4 70
  • Military Motor Cycles and Germany, 294
  • — Cyclists. 127, 220. 489
  • — Wanted. 171
  • Motor Cycle Racing at St. Albans. 489 «
  • - Cycle Club Badge (illustration). 378
  • — Cyclist Volunteers. 128
  • — Union and Taxation. 378
  • — Record. \. 127
  • Speed Trials Formula?, 272
  • — Tour to South Wales, 2(12, 470
  • N.C.U. 24 Hours’ Trial. 488
  • New York Motor Cycle Show. 108
  • North Eastern Automobile Association, 201
  • Norwich Motor Cycle Race. 434
  • Obscure Speed Limit Signs. 435
  • Owners' Experiences with 09 Models. 4 3,')
  • Pacing Motor Cyclist. \. 10
  • Passing Tramears by Motor Vehicles, 183
  • Pondino Sands Speed Trials. 4 70
  • Petrol Engine. \n Old. 33
  • Police Traps, 418, 434. 453
  • Postal service. Motor Cycles in. 183
  • Quarterly Trials. Auto Cycle Union, 70 \
  • — Machines in, 295
  • — The Cup Competition in the, 330
  • Record. Rourke to Sydney. N.S.W.. 435
  • — Collier's Hour. 33
  • — End-to-End Broken, 418
  • — New Six Hours'. 71
  • — Reliability, 435
  • — Six Hours', 220
  • — Twenty-four Hours'. 435
  • Records, American. 239
  • — Godfrey's Recent. 32
  • Reducing Weight, 434
  • Re-exports, 452
  • Registration of Second-hand Machines. 471
  • Road Gaugers at Night. 128
  • Roumanian Military Motor Cyclists, 166
  • Russia. Motor Cycles in. 71
  • Russian Motor cycling Club, 89
  • Scottish M.C Trial, 489
  • Scott Two-stroke Motor Cycle. 107
  • Six Hours' Record, 127, 165
  • — Worlds. 11
  • Slide Valve Engine. 435
  • South Australia. Motor Cycling in. 312
  • South Australian Motorcycle Race, 261
  • Speed Limit at Croydon. 434
  • Trials on Pendine Sands. 398
  • Sunday Competitions, 4 52
  • Swiss Reliability j r> iai. 118
  • Taxation of Motor Vehicles. 4 18
  • Tax on Motor Cycles, Proposed. 4 53
  • Team Trial Trifles. 489
  • Territorial Motor Scouts, 127. 148
  • Test Hill at BrookllilidM, 12H
  • — near London. 117
  • — Hills near London. Two, HI5
  • Tour de France, 379
  • T.T Race in Isle of Man, 435
  • T.T. Regulations. 293
  • Twenty-Four Hours’ Motor Cycle Record,
  • — on a Motor Cycle, 352
  • Two years’ Motor Cycle Tour. A, 105
  • Tunbridge Wells Racing, 435
  • Vindec Motor Co 107
  • Volunteer Motor Cycle Corps. Austrian. 108, 221
  • — German. LOB
  • Cut-outs. (See Silencers.)
  • Cylinder end Volvo Chamber Design, 8
  • Cylinders, Reboring of. 37, 139
  • Dangerous Corner, A. 131
  • Davies, B. H. Standard Machines in Competition.” II I. I 15
  • Davis Spring Drive. 172
  • Davison Motor Cycle Fillings, 101
  • Depreciation. Extent of. 323
  • Design of Piston Rings, 133
  • — The. by H. R. S. Viner
  • Detachable Frame. Rood and Co.. 83
  • Difficult Diagnosis. A, by “ Ixion.” 321
  • Dog and Friction Clutches, 132
  • Dore. Mr. C. Noel. "Roundabout Lakeland.” by, 3dl
  • Dosset ler Spring Seat-pillar. 20(1
  • Drew Spring Fork, 260
  • Easter 'Tour in India. An. Calcutta Club’s Pioneer Trip, by A. G. Throssell, 268- 270
  • Eastorbrook. Mr. D., East Africa (illustration), 23
  • Edinburgh Sports Exhibition. 168
  • Engines. Knocking with High Compression. 121
  • — Overheating. 451
  • Equipment. Motor Cycle, by W. Pratt. 288. 309. 366. 395
  • Esperanto. Motor Cycling Terms in. 56
  • Excelsior Motor Cycle, 1909 Model, 261 323
  • Exhaust Silencer, 142
  • — Valves. (See Valves.)
  • — Whistles. 40
  • Exports. (See Imports and Exports.)
  • F.N. Motor Cycle, 1909 Model, 207
  • Fairchild Chain Belt. 131
  • Fawcett. Mr. E. Douglas. ** From Lake Leman to Dieppe, ' 11.42
  • Fire Appliance, N.S.U. Tricar for First Aid. 96
  • Four-cylinder F.N. Induction Pipe. 196
  • Frame, Detachable, Reed and Co.. 83
  • France. Number of Motor Cycles in. 107
  • Touring in. 300, 309
  • Fransotti. Mr. Ernest. Glasgow to Monte Carlo (illustration), 165
  • Freezing, Prevention of. 94
  • Friction Driving Gear. Ridgway and Brunt. 260
  • Future of the Tricar, 433
  • Gear, Infinitely Variable. 119
  • — Ratio, 422
  • Generators. The F.R.S.. 420
  • German Motor Cycle Association. 71
  • — Sixth Congress. 418
  • Germany. Exports of Motor Cars. 107
  • — Military Motor Cyclists in. 183. 294
  • Goerke, Walter. American Record (illustration), 280
  • Goggles. Prentice and Bull, 308
  • Gradients. Estimation of. 246
  • Graham Engine Suspension. 38
  • Greehwood Electric Lamp, 1 7 2
  • Gudgeon Pin Fastening, Suggested. 291
  • Gwynne, E. (illustration). 108
  • Handicapping Track Races, 433
  • Handle Bar Control >72, 192. 259, 273. 468
  • Handle-ham, 12
  • (See also Watches.)
  • Handle starting v. Pedals, 278
  • Hart-Davies, Mr. I. B. (See Barbrook Bill Records.)
  • Harwood, Mr. F. C., 4 h.p. Minerva (illustration). 30
  • Haywards Heath Petty Sessions, 133, 402
  • Health, Motor Cycling for. 191. 300
  • Hendry. Mr. John R. (illustration), 16
  • Henriod Air-cooling System. 131
  • High v. Low Compression Engines. 27
  • "High Tension Distributor for Twins,” by ” Ixion,” 12
  • Hills, Test, in the Metropolitan District, 100, loi
  • Hilton Sidecar, 404
  • "Hints and Tips for Motor Cyclists,” by “Road Rider,” 31. 195, 215, 289, 326
  • Hirst Magneto Co. (See Sparking Plugs.)
  • History of Motor Cycling, 75
  • Horse-power Designation. 293
  • Hour Record. The World’s, 67
  • Imperial Exhibition. Historical Motor Cycles at , 415
  • Imports and Exports. Motorcycles, 32, 33, 108. 18 1. 29 1, 352, 353, 118
  • — Petrol. 32. 294
  • Indian Motor Cycles for England. 323
  • Infinitely Variable Hear, Gradua, 119
  • Inflator Connection. Pilgrim. 370
  • Inglis Articulated Driving Bell. 228
  • Inland Revenue Tax Exemptions. 267
  • Inter-club Hill-climb between Birmingham and Oxford M.(’.(’., 567
  • Inter-University Race Meeting. (See Brooklands.)
  • Irish End-to-End Reliability Trial and Record. June 2nd. iii.. 409. 118, 133. 434. 456, 468, 489
  • J.A.P. Lubricator. (See Lubricators.)
  • — Carburetters. (See (Carburettors.)
  • James Motor Cycle. 6
  • Jarrott Cup Competition, The. by Arthur W. Bentley. 21 1-213. 230-232
  • Jolley Non-skid Tyre, 266
  • King, Mr. Robert (illustration), 103
  • Ladies who Motor Cycle (illustration). 34 5


  • Blackburn Motor Cycle Handle-bar Lamp. 157
  • Electric Headlights. 141
  • Generators. 103. 215 Greenwood Electric. 172
  • Headlight Tests. 453
  • Jacobs Electric Inspection Lamp. 308
  • Motor Cycle Lamps,” by P. W. Bischoff. 61-63. 80-82. 14 4
  • " Orto ” Headlight (illustration), 66
  • Pelkey Projector. 279
  • — Headlight (illustration), 377
  • Rear Light. 44
  • Reflecting. 8 4
  • Solar Headlight. 428


  • A.C.U. Centre Scheme, The, I
  • — Hill-climb. 19. 20
  • American Records (?). 301
  • Another Argument for Variable Gears, 461. 462
  • Artificiality of Records, The. 191. 192
  • Bone of Contention. The. 282
  • Brake Question, rhe. 95. 96
  • — Regulations, 209
  • Brooklands A.R.C , 59. 60
  • — Easter Meeting. 247
  • Carburetion and Silence, 423
  • Centre Scheme, The 59
  • Clubs and the industry. 77
  • Cut-outs in Competition, 1. 2
  • Encouraging Change Speed Gears. 443, 444
  • Handicapping Proposal. 4 23
  • How to get to Brook lands, 24 7, 248
  • Inland Revenue Tax Exemptions, 267
  • London-Edinburgh Disqualifications, The 479
  • Military Motor Cyclists, 95
  • — and their Control, 229
  • Motor Cycle and Safety, The, 462
  • — — Taxation, 319, 320
  • — Cycling for Health, 191
  • 1909 Competitions, 19
  • — Tourist Trophy Race, The, 113
  • Other A.C.U. Advantages, 39, 40
  • Overtaking and Passing Traffic, 461
  • Reform from Within, 40
  • Secession of the M.C.C., The, 39
  • Silence, 135
  • Six Days’ Trials, The, 60, 443
  • Taxation and Employment, 320
  • Use of the Second Brake, The, 209, 210
  • Yorkshire League, The, 281, 282
  • Leather Helmets for Motor Cyclists, 434
  • Leechman, Mr. Douglas, “ The Liability of Road Repairers,” by, 367, 368
  • Leeds to Edinburgh and Back Trial, 400
  • “Legion of Motor Cyclists,” by a Major on the Retired List of the Royal Artillery, 371, 372


  • A.C.U. and the M.C.C., The, 236, 277, 293 327
  • — Brake Regulations, 201, 202, 218, 237
  • — Hill-climb, A, 180
  • — at Sutton Bank, The, 309, 494
  • — Quarterly Trials, 85, 106
  • — Six Days’ Trials, The, 122, 417
  • American Racing Men and their Machines, 217
  • — Records, 237, 375
  • A.O.I.V. v. M.O.I.V., 8, 9, 27, 47, 68, 87, 146, 219, 292, 293, 310, 311
  • Appreciation, An, 202, 366
  • Artificiality of Records, The, 219, 236, 279, 292
  • — Track Records, The, 395, 431, 496
  • Attachment of Sidecars, The, 327
  • Automatic Carburetters, 366, 395
  • Autumn Touring, 8
  • Barbrook Mill Hill, 396, 416
  • Belts for Passenger Work, 460
  • Belt Transmission and Sidecars, 417
  • — Troubles, 293, 327, 373
  • — v. Chain Drive, 48, 67, 163
  • — Transmission, 311
  • Berlin Track Disaster, The, 575
  • Brake Question, The, 257, 258, 278, 279
  • — Suggestion, A, 144
  • Canadian Motor Cyclist’s Experience, 9
  • Cat and Fiddle as a Test Hill, 512
  • Club Nomenclature, 291
  • Club Competitions, 144
  • Clubs and the Industry, 87, 122, 106, 145, 146, 164, 181
  • — and Trade Membership, The, 202, 236
  • Challenge, A, 458
  • — by Mr. A. G. Fenn, 477, 494
  • Copper Tubing Risky for Conveying Acetylene Gas, 496
  • Cost of Motor Cycling, The, 219, 181, 182
  • Cubical Capacity and Power, 374, 477
  • Dangerous Corner, A, 431
  • Delivery of Spare Parts, 416
  • Design of Cylinders and Valve Chambers, The, 8
  • Piston Rings, The, 433
  • Difficult Diagnosis, A, 365
  • End-to-end Record, 433, 458, 477, 494
  • Engine Braking, 180, 235, 309
  • Experiences with a Two-seated Sidecar, 47, 48
  • — Two-speed Geared Triumph, 48
  • — Shaft Drive, 293
  • Exhaust Whistles, 105
  • Four-cylinder F.N. Induction Pipe, The, 496
  • Front or Rear Wheel Brakes, 181
  • Future of the Tricar, The, 9, 28, 49, 87, 105, 145, 182, 257, 433
  • Good Fitment for Old Machines, A, 218
  • Handicapping Track Races, 433, 459, 477, 494
  • Handle-starting v. Pedals, 278 H
  • Haywards Heath Speed Limit, 433
  • High v. Low Compression Engines, 27
  • Highway Robbery, 397
  • Hill-climbing, 478
  • — in North Devon, 162, 180, 201, 217, 258
  • Horse-power Designation, 293
  • How to Prevent Belt Slip, 277
  • — Punctures, 396
  • — Remedy Faults in Coils, 29, 87
  • Ideal Motor Cycle, The, 458
  • Increasing Power, 460
  • Inlet Valve Design, 7
  • In Praise of a Passenger Motor Cycle, 29, 85
  • Inter-’Varsity Competition, The, 365, 373 395
  • Lamps and other Subjects, 460
  • Loan of Lantern Slides, 87
  • Lubrication, 9, 68, 104, 417, 458
  • Magneto Manufacture, 7
  • Manufacture of Sparking Plugs, 164
  • M.C.C. and A.C.U., The, 182
  • — London-Edinburgh Run, The, 478, 494, 495
  • Military Motor Cyclists, 122, 123, 162, 180, 200, 201, 217, 235, 256, 277, 291, 292, 309, 310, 366
  • Motor Bicycle of the Future, The, 396
  • — Cycle Belt Rims, 144
  • — Equipment, 309, 366, 395
  • — Lamps, 106, 144
  • — — of the Future, The, 459
  • — Politics, 237, 279
  • — Taxation, 365, 373, 416
  • — Cycling Club History, 396 in New South Wales, 459
  • — — Victoria, 163
  • — Cyclist’s Ideal, 219, 257 A, 277, 309
  • — Another, 375
  • Motorists’ Behaviour after Accidents, 328 1909
  • Competitions, 48
  • — Improvements, 123
  • New (?) Variable Pulley, A, 104, 144
  • Northern Inter-Affiliation Scheme, The 311, 327, 329
  • Once Dissatisfied; Now Enthusiastic, 278
  • Passenger Machines, 47
  • Particulars of a Silent Motor Cycle Wanted, 494
  • Pistons with Rings Top and Bottom, 7
  • Point to Point, A, 7, 8
  • Position of Petrol Taps, 47
  • Prevention of Rust, 217
  • Problem to be Solved, A, 124
  • Protection from Mud, 49, 67, 85, 104, 123, 124, 164, 181, 201, 218, 258, 291, 309, 329
  • Quarterly Trials, The, 122, 365, 373
  • Record-breaking in America, 292
  • Regulations for the London-Land’s End-London Run, The, 256
  • Reliability, 494
  • Repairing Broken Control Wires, 27
  • Road Courtesies, 235
  • — Dangers at Night, 48, 69, 105, 145, 163, 180, 181, 202, 237, 256, 257, 291, 328 329
  • Rules for Reliability Trials, 311
  • Secession of the M.C.C., The, 69, 85, 86, 104, 105
  • Setting of Exhaust Valves, The, 69
  • Settlement of the Lamp Question, 279
  • Sheffield Club and the A.C.U., The, 27, 28
  • Silence, 8, 47, 67, 162, 217, 374, 458
  • Silencers, 146
  • — and Brakes, 144
  • Six Days’ Trials, The, 104, 180
  • — Hours’ Record, The, 162 World’s Record, 7
  • Speed of Motor Cycle Engines, 20^
  • Spring Fork Design, 28, 47, 67, 85, 104
  • Standard Machines in Competition, 395, 416, 431, 432, 477
  • Steam as a Motive Power for Tricars, 458
  • Stolen Motor Cycle Recovered, A, 68
  • Stonehenge— a Wrong Impression Removed, 496
  • Stone-throwing Nuisance, The, 459
  • Suggested Gudgeon Pin Fastening, A, 291
  • Surface of Sutton Bank, The, 365
  • Tandem Attachments, 7, 163
  • Taxation of Motor Cycles, The, 496
  • Testing Speed with a Tuning Fork, 235, 291
  • Touring in France, 309
  • — — North Wales, 162
  • Tour in the West Country, A, 235
  • Traffic Riding Competitions, 459, 460
  • Transmission Development, 86
  • Treatment of Worn Engines, The, 291, 374
  • Two Genuine Road Hogs, 417
  • — Useful Devices, 181
  • Two-stroke Engines, 86, 478, 494
  • Two-stroke Engines & Formulae, 277, 27 8
  • Two-speed Gears, 327
  • and other Matters, 278
  • Tyres and Transmission, 366
  • Unusual Experience, An, 328
  • Validity of Patents, The, 327, 396, 397
  • Veteran Motor Cyclist, A, 180
  • Winter Clothing, 217 Worcestershire Police Methods, 374
  • World’s Hour Record, The, 67
  • “Liability of Road Repairers, by Douglas Leechman, 367, 368
  • Licences, 421, 497 .
  • Lightning Belt Remover, Price and Co., 63
  • Lightweight Motor Cycles, Belt Slip on, 75, 118
  • — Multi-cylinder, 57
  • Lincolnshire M.C.C. Reliability Trial, June 2nd, iii.
  • Lloyd, Major Lindsay, 59
  • London-Edinburgh Run, June 2nd, i.-iii., 435, 436, 472, 494, 495
  • London-Plymouth Run, 435
  • Lowen Double-seated Sidecar, 2
  • Lubrication, 55, 65, 68, 159, 417


  • Davison Tap less Oil Pump, 101
  • Hill’s Automatic, 13
  • J.A.P. Automatic, 9
  • “Lydal” Engine Oil, 445
  • Lyell, J. C., and Co., Ltd., 8
  • Magan, Miss Holden (illustration), 30


  • As a Cause of Overheating, 84
  • Bosch Terminals, 35
  • British Manufacture, 7
  • Cover, Continental Tyre Co. (illustration), 101
  • Handle-starting with, 441
  • “ Mystery of a Magneto,” 141
  • Peculiar behaviour of, 440
  • Position, 305
  • Separation of Points, 421
  • Switch, 133
  • Water Collecting in, 451
  • Weight, 2
  • (See also Sparking Plugs.)
  • Maps, 430
  • Manchester Motor Club’s Easter Tour (illustration), 289
  • Martin, Harry, Six Hours’ Record, 139
  • Matchless Motor Cycle, Test of, 2
  • M.C.C. (See Motor Cycling at Brooklands Club.)
  • Mechanically-operated Inlet Valves. (See Valves.)
  • Midland Motor Cyclists, Meeting of, June 2nd, iii.


  • A.C.U. Scheme, 245
  • Article by F. G. Smith, 255
  • Article by R. S. Walker, 224
  • A Suggested Scheme for Motor Cyclists’
  • Staff Corps, 153, 154
  • Control of, 229
  • Generally, Correspondence, etc., 122, 126, 127, 133 (illustration), 141, 162, 180, 200, 215, 217, 220, 235, 256, 277, 291, 309, 310, 366
  • “Legion of Motor Cyclists,” 371, 372
  • Mr. Pickering’s Scheme, 173
  • “ Possibilities of the Motor Cycle for Military Purposes,” by Lieut. J. H. Pattisson, 286, 287
  • (See also Austrian Volunteer Motor Corps ; Germany.)
  • Miller Mud Shield (illustration), 250
  • Mills-Fulford. (See Sidecars.)
  • Mirrors, H.B., in the Six Days’, 426
  • Misfiring, 451
  • ” Monk.” (See Carburetters.)
  • Moore, Mrs. F. S., N.S.U. Motor Cycle (illustration), 278
  • Moto-Reve Motor Cycle, 273, 338
  • “Motor Cycle Equipment,” Paper by W. Pratt before the St. Albans and District M.C.C., 288
  • Motor Cycle Headlight, The Solar, 428
  • Motor Cycle Lamps, by P. W. Bischoff, 61-63, 80-82, 102, 106
  • Motor Cycle of the Future, by B. H. Davies, 342, 343, 459
  • Motor Cycle Race at Norwich, 434
  • Motor Cycle Records, 1908, by J. Sinclair, 43, 44
  • Motor Cycle Squad, New York Police (illustration), 418
  • Motor Cycles, Historical, 415
  • Motor Cycles of To-morrow, by W. G. McMinnies, 308
  • Motor Cycling at the ’Varsities, by McMinnies, 453, 454


  • Annual General Meeting, 51 History, 390
  • Inter-club Team Trial, 252
  • Inter-team Trial for 77ie
  • Motor Cycle Challenge Cup, 372, 455, 456, 472, 490, 491
  • London-Edinburgh Run, 234, 393, 455
  • Members’ Badge, 378
  • Hill-climb, May 1st, 333, 334
  • Secession from the A.C.U., 69
  • Twenty-four Hours’ Trial, June 2nd, i-iii., 547, 548
  • Week-end Run to Brighton, 222
  • Motor Cyclists, the Heaviest on Record, 452
  • Mounted Infantry, Paper by Captain R. S. Walker, 224
  • Union Insurance Co., Ltd., Report, 147
  • Motor Cycle Section, 140
  • — — Speed Trials, 548
  • Mud, Protection from, 49, 67, 85, 104, 123, 164, 181, 201, 218, 258, 291, 309, 329
  • Mudguards, Air-deflecting, 442
  • — More Efficient, Needed, 501
  • — Winter, 160
  • Multi-cylinder Motor Cycles, Lightweight,
  • Multiple Plate Clutch, 45, 46
  • Munzing Variable Pulley, 172
  • New York Police Motor Cycle Squad (illustration), 418
  • New York Motor Cycle Show, 108
  • Newburn, Mr. George (illustration), 392
  • Newspaper Work. The Motor Cycle and, 169
  • “Night Riding.” by H. C. Barnaby. 125, 126
  • Noiset. M.— a Flying Motor Bicycle at the Coliseum (illustration), 128
  • Non-stop Trials, How to Prepare for, 482
  • North Eastern Automobile Association, 261
  • North Wales, Touring in. 162, 171
  • Northern Affiliation Scheme, 327. 329
  • Norton Manufacturing Co Ltd. 7. 9. 68
  • Norton 1909 3½ h.p. Model, Nov 1909
  • Norwich and District M.C.C., First Run (illustration), 289
  • N.S.U. Motor Cycle — Mr. P. J. Bright’s Machine, 210
  • — Non-skid, 63
  • — Tricar as a Fire Engine. 96
  • Obscure Speed Limit Signs, 435


  • A.C.U. and its Value, 273
  • — Six Days’ Trials, 176
  • Adjustable Belt Fasteners, 84
  • Adjustments. 176
  • Air Springing r. Metallic Springing, 370
  • Amac Carburetter. 84
  • A.O.I.V.. 1909. 66
  • Arrival of Absolute Reliability. 487
  • Belt-slip on Lightweights. 118
  • Best All-round Mount, 233
  • Brakes. 30
  • Bravo! the Newcomers. 323
  • Carburetters Incurable, 6
  • Cattle by Night. 215
  • Chain and Shaft Drive. 6
  • Choice of an Adjustable Pulley. 487
  • Club Programmes. 476
  • — Runs on West Roads. 370
  • Clubs and the Trade. 273
  • Common Question. A. 426
  • Control of Main Air Intake, 30
  • Conversions. 2 3 3
  • Depreciation. 323
  • Bogie. 250
  • Engine Lubricants. 476
  • Exhaust Whistles, 40
  • Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. 412
  • Footboards, Footrests, and Pedals, 476
  • Forward ! Great Britain. 323
  • Goggles and Spectacles, 160
  • Good and Bad Pulleys. 412
  • — Fitment for Old Machines, 160
  • Great Convenience. A. 392
  • Handle-bar Spark Control. 273
  • Handle Starting. 370
  • H.R. Mirrors in the Six Days* Trials. 426
  • Indian Invasion. An. 323
  • Inflator Connections. 370
  • James Motor Bicycle. The. 6
  • Lamp Generators. 215
  • Lamps and Generators, 103
  • Light Handle-bars, 285
  • Lightweights in the Quarterly Trials, 118
  • Magneto Position, 305
  • M.C.C. and A.C.U., 138
  • Military Motor Cyclists, 215
  • Mudguards, 160
  • New Variable Pulley, A, 84
  • — York Show, 160
  • Oiltin Tap, 192
  • One Purpose of Pedals, 426
  • Overheating through Magneto, 84
  • Passenger Machines in the Quarterly Trials, 118, 160
  • Plea for Wide Tanks, A, 285
  • Pocket Tool Kits, 84
  • Preignition, 370
  • Peal Cost, 250
  • Reducing Geared Pulleys, 233
  • Reflector Tail Lamps, 84
  • Rules for Reliability Trials, 392
  • Scottish Reliability Trial 392
  • Scotch Trials, The, 476
  • Selecting Second-hand Machines, 305
  • Shaft or Belt, 305
  • Silence, 176
  • Silencer Question, 392
  • Silencers, 84 '
  • Simple Petrol Gauge, A, 412
  • Smooth Crank Cases, 138
  • Spring Forks or Air Cushion, 285
  • Starting Trouble, A, 487
  • Studs, 233
  • Switching Off on a Twisty Hill, 176
  • Tandems, 66
  • Thin Washers—How to make them, 6
  • Thousand Allies Trials, The, 66
  • Trade Members and the Clubs, 118
  • Trials, Amateur, 103
  • Twins for Sidecar Work, 476
  • Two-speed Gears in 1909, 30
  • Variable Pulley, A New, 40


  • Bat, Bradbury, Douglas, Minerva, Motosacoche, Rex, F.N., Triumph, Zenith Gradua, 355
  • N.S.U., Phelon and Moore, Matchless, Bat, , 376
  • Oriel, Lincoln Elk, Roc, Featherweight Wolf, 394
  • Moto-Reve, Triumph, Brown, Twin * Phanomen, Lloyd (L.M.C.), T.T. Dot, Norton, 450
  • Paraffin Injector, 392
  • Passenger Attachments, Bramson, 420
  • — Motor Cycles, 29, 47, 85


  • Adjustable Belt Fastener, An, 266
  • Air-cooling System, An, 134
  • Air-deflecting Mudguard, An, 442
  • Articulated Driving Belt, An, 228
  • Belt Protector, A, 134
  • Chain Belt. A. 134
  • Cooling System, A, 38
  • Electric Lamp, An, 172
  • Engine Suspension, 38
  • Exhaust Silencer, An, 442
  • Friction Driving Gear, A. 266
  • Hammock Seat Suspension, A, 228
  • Handle-bar Control. 172
  • Hub Plate Clutch, A. 38
  • Ingenious Variable Pulley, An, 134
  • Neat Carburetter, A. 442
  • — Internal Expanding Brake, 228
  • New Spring Fork. A. 266
  • Non-skid Tyre, A, 266
  • Novel Tricar Frame, A, 38
  • Spring Drive. A. 172
  • — Fork, A. 442
  • — Frame Motor Bicycle, A, 442
  • — Saddle-pillars, 228
  • — — Support. A, 134
  • — Seat-pillar, 266
  • — Suspension. A. 228
  • Tyre Repair Patches, 228
  • Variable Pulley, A. 172. 442
  • — Speed Driving Mechanism, A, 266
  • Patents, Validity of, 327. 396, 397
  • Peck. T. (illustration . 409
  • Pedals, One Purpose of. 426
  • Pendine Sands Speed Trials. 470, 492


  • Ejects of the Budget on Imports, 452
  • Flooding. 440
  • Imports of. 32. 294
  • Pitting of the Contact Points, 441
  • Position of Taps. 4 7
  • Reducing Consumption of. 152, 280
  • Phanomen Motor Cycle (illustration), 138
  • Phanomobile, 6 h.p., in Quarterly Trials (illustration), 323
  • Phoenix Motors, Ltd., 9, 14
  • Pilgrim Inflator Connection, 370
  • Pistons, Dome-shaped, 441
  • Piston Rings, 7, 385, 386
  • Plate Clutch, 45, 46
  • Portwine, Mr. J. (illustration), 70
  • “Possibilities of the Motor Cycle Aeroplane,” by “ Motaircyclist,” 340
  • — for Military Purposes, by Lieut. J. H. Pattisson, 386, 387
  • Postal Service, Motor Cycles in, 183
  • Power, Increasing, 460
  • Premier Accumulator Co., Ltd., 7
  • Premier Motor Cycle, Twin-cylinder, 3 h.p., 323, 404
  • “ Present-day Motor Cycle,” Discussion on Paper by Mr. Lowe, 178
  • Private Specifications, by “ Ixion,” 188
  • “Problems to be Solved,” 18, 37, 58, 124
  • “Progress of the Auto Cycle Legion,” by “ Terricycle,” 427, 428


  • Good and Bad, 412
  • New Adjustable, Birch and Co., 447
  • Rex Semi-automatic Adjustable, 177
  • Reducing Gear Pulley, Martell-Leaver, 233
  • Variable. (See Variable Pulleys.)
  • Purchasing a Second-hand Tricar, 486
  • Quarterly Trials. (See Auto Cycle Union.)
  • Ravenhall Adjustable Belt Fastener, 266
  • Rear Lighting, 44
  • — Spring Motor Bicycle, 481
  • Reboring Cylinders, 37
  • Records, American, 237, 239, 292, 301, 375
  • — Artificiality of, 191, 192, 219, 236, 279, 292
  • — End-to-end beaten by I. B. Hart Davies, 543
  • — Motor Cycle, by J. Sinclair, 43, 44
  • (See also Irish End-to-End Record.)
  • Registration and Licensing Fees, 36
  • (See also Licences.)
  • “ Reliance Plug,” 13
  • Rex Motor Cycle and Six Hours’ Record, 7
  • — Test of Two-speed Model, 234
  • — Toolbag Attachment (illustration), 215
  • — Two-speed Gear, 7
  • Ridgway and Brunt Friction and Driving Gear, 266
  • Riding in the Snow,” by B. Siffken, 50
  • Rims and Tyres, How to Overhaul, by ” Road Rider,” 93
  • Ripault Soldering Apparatus, 35
  • Road Dangers at Night, 14, 49, 53, 59, 105, 145, 163, 180, 202, 236, 256, 257. 291, 328
  • Robbialac Competition, A. W. Gamage, Ltd., 168
  • Robins, Francis (illustration), 176
  • Robinson, Mrs. H. W. (illustration), 96
  • R.O.M. Tyre and Rubber Co.. 11
  • Rosier, Jake D., “ American Racing Motor Cyclist ” (illustration), 238
  • Rotary Valve Engine. (See Allanite.)
  • Roumania Military Motor Department 166
  • ” Round about Lakeland,” by C. Noel Dore, 3-6
  • Royal Automobile Club, Associates’ Annual Dinner, 54
  • Russia, Motor Cycles in, 71
  • Russian Automobile Club, Race in St. Petersburg, 467
  • Rust, Prevention of, 217
  • Ryhill, Rutland (illustration), 608
  • "Salisbury as a Touring Centre," by Martin J. Tuchmann, 424, 425, 446, 417
  • Scott Two-stroke Motor Cycle, 107, 361, 364
  • Scottish Clubs, Affiliation of, 10
  • Shaft Drive. by "Ixion,” 265, 293
  • (See also Chain v. Belt Drive).
  • "Shamrock-Gloria" Belt, 101
  • Sharp and Williams Spring Saddle-pillar, 228
  • Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C.C. and the A.C.U., 27, 28


  • An Interesting Sidecar Outfit, 8 h.p. Matchless, 199
  • Chater-Lea Sidecar Fittings, 159
  • Experiences of a Double-seated, 47, 48
  • Generally, 94
  • “Hilton,” 401
  • Lowen Double-seated, 2
  • Mills-Fulford Castor Wheel, 8
  • New Pattern Appleby Flexible Sidecar, 251
  • Siffken, Mr. B., “ Riding in the Snow,” 50
  • “Silence,” by Eric Walford, F.C.I.P.A., 480, 481
  • — in Motor Cycles, 176


  • A New Pattern, 374
  • A.O.I.V. and the Cut-outs, 103
  • “ Clair,” 8
  • Cut-outs in Competitions, 1, 2
  • Generally, 84, 146
  • Making, 76
  • Outlet Holes in; 171
  • “ The Silencer Question,” 392
  • Variable Cut-outs, 207
  • Sinclair, Mr. J., Motor Cycle Records, 43
  • Single-cylinder Engines, Balancing of, 410, 411, 453
  • Single v. Twin-cylinder Engines, 18
  • Six Hours’ World’s Record, 7, 11, 71, 72, 74
  • — Harry Martin, 139
  • Slaughter Two-speed Hub, 179
  • Smith Hammock Seat Suspension, 228
  • Snow, Riding in, 50, 51
  • Solar Motor Cycle Headlight (illustration),
  • Soldering Apparatus, Ripault, 35
  • Sparking Plug, “ Auticum,” 288
  • — “Cup,” 335
  • — “Hirst” Magneto, 20
  • Lodge Brothers and Co., 426
  • — “Reliance,” 13, 164
  • — “Simms Magnetic,” 290
  • — “Vita,” 154
  • Specification, Private, by “Ixion,” 188
  • Speed Indicator— Some Advantages, 483
  • Speedometers, 58, 76
  • Spring Drive, Davis, 172
  • — Design, 28, 47, 67, 85, 104
  • — Drew, 266
  • — Fork, Air Cushion and Metal, 285
  • — Frame, Lightweight, 2| h.p. Bat-J.A.P., 20
  • — Patent, 442
  • — Stanley, 228
  • — Saddle Support, Varvell, 134
  • — Seat-pillar, Dossetter, 266
  • — Perfector, 63
  • — Sharp and Williams, 228
  • Standard Machines in Competition, by “ Ixion,” 387-389, 395, 416, 431, 444, 44§, 484, 485
  • Stanley Spring Suspension, 228
  • Staxton Hill-climb, 28a
  • Steam as a Motive Power for Tricars, 485
  • Stewart, J. (illustration), 421
  • Successful Competitors in the M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Run (illustration), 429
  • Sutton Bank Hill-climb, 431, 432
  • Swiss Reliability Trial, 418
  • Switch, Magneto. (See Magnetos.)


  • Attachments, 7, 163
  • Generally, 66
  • Lady-back Tandem in Early M.C.C. Trials (illustration), 37
  • Tank-filler Tap, Davison’s, 101
  • — Troubles, 287
  • Taxation of Motor Cycles, 319, 320, 365, 373, 378, 379, 416
  • Teck, H.S.H. Prince Francis of (illustration), 90
  • Terminals, Bosch Magneto, 35
  • — Corrosion of, 36
  • Test Hills in the Metropolitan District, 100, 101, 165
  • Testing Level of Petrol and Compression, 441
  • Thomas, David (illustration), 422
  • Thompson’s Belt Protector, 134
  • Tiffen, M. E. J. (illustration), 148
  • “Tour of the West Country,” by Martin J. Tuchmann, 97, 99, 120, 121, 136, 137, 155-157
  • Tourist Trophy Race, 1909
  • — Motor Cycle, 121
  • Track Racing at Aston Villa Grounds, 400
  • Traffic Riding Competitions, 459
  • Tramcars, Passing of, by Motor Vehicles, 183
  • “Treatment of Worn Engines,” by B. H. Davies, 243, 244
  • Trials. (See A.C.U., Amateur, American, Irish Reliability, Lincolnshire Reliability.)


  • A.C. (illustration), 322
  • Engine, 441
  • Future of, 9, 28, 49, 87, 105, 145, 182, 257
  • N.S.U. First Aid Fire Appliance, 96
  • “ Tricaring in the Snow,” by G. H. Norman, 198
  • Trigwell Variable Speed Gear, 266
  • Triumph Hub Plate Clutch, 38
  • Triumph Motor Cycle, 48, 161
  • Tuchmann, Martin J., “A Tour in the West Country,” by, 97, 99, 120, 121, 136, 137
  • — “ Salisbury as a Touring Centre, ’ ’ by, 424, 425, 446, 447
  • Tunbridge Wells Racing, 435
  • Twenty-four Hours’ Motor Cycle Records, 88, 354, 386, 435
  • Twin-cylinder Engines, Position of, 57
  • — v. Single-cylinder Engines, 18
  • Two-speed Gears Generally 327, 377
  • — — in 1909, 30
  • — Hub, Slaughter, 179
  • (See also Bat Mfg. Co.)
  • Two-stroke Engines, 85, 107
  • — and Formulae, 235, 277
  • in Relation to Motor Cycle, by “Incandescent,” 21, 24
  • Two Tyres on Tour—a Tale of Trouble, by “ Rough Rider,” 346,-348


  • First Pneumatic, 17 ,,
  • “How to Overhaul Tyres and Rims, by “Road Rider,” 93
  • Jelley Non-skid, 266
  • New Kempshall, 445
  • R.O.M. Side-slip Test, 322
  • Woodgates and Jourdan Tyre Repair Patches, 228
  • Ulster-J.A.P. Motor Cycle (illustration),328
  • “Unito” Coupling Device (illustration), 422
  • Unofficial London to Edinburgh Run, by H. S. Gaskell, 304, 305


  • “A.O.I.V. and Cut-outs,” by F. G. Smith, 131, 290 .
  • “Automatic Inlet Valves,” by H. G. Bell, 142, 143
  • Exhaust, Setting of, 69
  • Inlet, Automatic and Mechanical, 430
  • — Design of, 7
  • J.A.P. Automatic, 26
  • M.O.I.V. v. A.O.I.V., 8, 27, 47, 68, 146, 292, 310
  • Variable Pulleys Generally, 40, 104, 144, 442
  • — — Munzing, 172
  • — Wilson, 134
  • — Speed Gear, Trigwell, 266
  • Victorian M.C.C. (See Australia.)
  • Vindec Motor Cycle, 11, 107
  • Viner, Mr. H. E. S., “ The Design of Piston Rings,” by, 385-386
  • “ Vita.” (See Sparking Plugs.)
  • Voltoo Coils on an Old Machine, 160
  • Washers, Material for, 6
  • Watches for Handle-bars, 170
  • Water-cooling on Tricar, 300
  • Whistles, Exhaust, 40, 105
  • White Economiser, 152
  • Woodgates and Jourdan Tyre Repair Patches, 228
  • Worn Engines, Treatment of, 243, 244, 374
  • Wray, W. R., American Record (illustration), 276
  • Yorkshire League, The, 281, 311
  • Zenette Gradua Gear Attachment, 119
  • — Motor Cycles (illustration), 262
  • Zenith Motors, Ltd., 7
  • Stanley Show 1909
  • Kerry-Abingdon 3½ h.p. Mode l0 Nov 22nd 1909 page 926