Douglas Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Douglas Motorcycles 1920s

Articles from period magazines and sales brochures covering many of the Douglas models produced during the roaring twenties.

A report on the 1924 Motor Cycle Show reads, in part:

DOUGLAS. Stand 37.

It is claimed that there are over 85,000 2 (1/2?) h.p. Douglases on the road to-day, this being the type and size of Douglas machine which was introduced in 1908,16 years ago, and which has ever since been held in high favour by users of motor cycles all over the world. A machine of this type will naturally be one of the outstanding features of the stand, and another model which may perhaps be described as a development from the first one is equipped with three-speed all-chain drive and several improvements, most important of which perhaps is the new exhaust system and silencer which consists of two tubes leading from the cylinder into a large section exhaust pipe with flat end. Visitors to the Show with a knowledge of Douglas machines will note many detailed improvements. The luxury model of the Douglas range is the 600 c.c. overhead valve model, with long stroke engine. Its frame is designed on the same lines as that of the T.T. winner, and grease lubrication is used throughout.

Special interest attaches, so far as readers of this paper are concerned, to the 1925 I.O.M. model. This is an exact replica of the T.T. winner and for those who want racing it is the mount. The Douglas sidecar chassis has been entirely re-designed. The sports body is worthy of special attention and has an adjustable seat. It is, in addition, graceful and pleasing in outline. Douglas Motors, Ltd., Kingswood, Bristol."

Motor Sport Magazine

An article on the 1926 Tourist Trophy Races in Motor Sport Magazine reads:

These machines do not appear to have undergone any radical change from last year, and resemble standard O.C. T.T. models. The star riders are F. W. Dixon and J. Whalley, both of whom have been well up in previous races. Douglases are usually among the fastest machines in the island, and their entry is always keenly watched by rival firms."

Motor Sport Magazine

Douglas EW 350 1926-1929

Sports Mounts for 1928

"Douglas, as usual, show a very sporting range, and all eyes will be turned, again as usual, to that super machine, the T.T. model 494 c.c. A machine similar to this has lapped Brooklands at 103 m.p.h., which should satisfy most riders. The gear box and frame construction are now famous, and the brakes are still further improved for 1928. This particular model cost £88.

A totally new model is shown, known as "Model D.28." This machine has a 348 c.c. o.h.v. engine, with enclosed valve gear, and push-rods covered in telescopic tubes. The gear lever mounting is interesting, being reminiscent of the earlier track machines, and is mounted forward of the engine, low down on the frame.

This model should prove an excellent fast mount, and costs but £48.

Models "G.28" and "H.28", both with 596 c.c. o.h.v. engines, incorporate the T.T. frame, and cost 265 and 267 respectively. The latter is equipped with twist-grip control, which so many fast riders prefer."

Motor Sport Magazine

1929 Model Reports from The Olympia Show, 1929

Douglases now market the latest thing in "Dixon" "T.T." models, which ran so well but so unluckily in the I.O.M. this year.

This model has the re designed engine with chain driven timing and entirely enclosed overhead valve gear. The very successful lubrication system fitted to this machine, entirely devoid of pipes, is now fitted also to the well-known 350 c.c. E.W. model. Triumph have produced an extremely attractive 350 c.c. machine, with an engine modelled on the larger T.T. edition. This has two ports and enclosed valve gear, and is mounted in a simplified edition of the new frame used in the I.O.M. this year.

Two very sturdy side valve machines bear very little resemblance, and appear to be a great improvement on the N.'s, P.'s and Q's which they replace."

Motor Sport Magazine

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