
Today in Motorcycle History

The Author

I'm Steve Rackley, resident of Blackwater, near Camberley in Surrey. In my mid forties, I'm one of the younger riders of vintage bikes, which is rather worrying. Unless more people take up the hobby, in 20 years time there'll be very few people left actually riding the machines, and there won't be room in museums for all of them.

As I believe old bikes should be ridden as they were intended to be, I've created these pages in the hope that a few people with a latent interest in them might be sparked into action.

I have no connection with any of the clubs or magazines mentioned under Contacts, except as a member or reader. Most of them have no involvement at all with these pages, though the VMCC have kindly given me permission to use a few photographs from the club's monthly journal.

This is my first attempt at a Web site and I'd welcome comments. In particular:

  • Would you like more content? More photos, information, etc?
  • Should the scanned photos be larger, or do they already take too long to load?
  • Would you like to see more extracts and/or images from the old magazines? Or are they a waste of space?