
Runabouts at the 1922 Olympia Show

NOVEMBER 30th, 1922. Page 871
The Olympia Show.


Six Machines which may be regarded as Substitutes for the Sidecar Outfits and Two Solo Machines on Similar Lines. Harper-1922-Header-Oly


E. H. Carlisle and Co., Ltd., 188, Deansgate, Manchester.

The Harper runabout stands in a class by itself. Its designers, recognising the demand for an exceptionally light, handy vehicle giving complete weather protection, have succeeded in producing a most, attractive little three-wheeler. Low upkeep and running costs are claimed for it, and, considering the power unit is only of 269 c.c. capacity and the entire weight only 280 lb., the claim may well be justified...

Continued: Harper Runabout

MORGAN. (139.)

Simple Three-wheelers.

8 H.P. Model.

85.5x85 mm. (976 c.c); V-twin cyl. four-stroke; side valves; drip feed lubrication; Amac carb.; gear-driven mag.: 2-sp. gear; clutch and handle-starter; shaft and chain drive; 700X80 mm. tyres. Price £128.

The Morgan Motor Co., Malvern Link.

The range of Morgan models is wide enough to meet the requirements of all classes of three-wheeler enthusiasts. For £128 there is offered the standard model fitted with either an air-cooled J.A.P. or Blackburne engine, whilst for £30 more the family Morgan can be had, which will accommodate two extra passengers in the rear seats. This model specially attracts the family man, for the accommodation provided is far more commodious than might be imagined on so small a chassis. Speed men can be accommodated with the Grand Prix model at the reduced price of £160, and at these figures full equipment is, of course, included. One of the most interesting exhibits on the stand is the chassis so familiar to many and still fascinating in its admirable simplicity. No change of design is made this year, and, indeed, judging by the continued success of the Morgan, alike in the hands of private owners and in trials, little change is needed.

A model known as the Aero is another attractive exhibit, the body being polished aluminium. It draws universal attention by its various little fitments. The radiator and tank are nickel-plated, and the general design and colour scheme are sufficiently noticeable to lure the least impressionable passer-by. The price of this model is £200.

NOVEMBER 30th, 1922. Page 872
Runabouts at Olympia

T.B. (57.)

60 m.p.h. Three-wheeler.

Thompson Bros. (Bilston), Ltd., Bradley Eng. Works, Bilston.

The essential feature of any three-wheeler is its chassis design, this point having more bearing on the success of the vehicle than any other. In the T.B. chassis every possible weakness has been closely studied, and the result is a sound and satisfactory design. Rear springing is by semi-elliptical springs mounted on the cantilever principle, the front being of the quarter-elliptic type. All three wheels are interchangeable, the spare wheel being carried on the off side of the body. A big improvement, too, has been effected by the introduction of a ratchet brake acting on an external contracting band instead of the internal expanding type. In general appearance the T.B. is good, and there is a cleanness and finish about all the models which, adds distinction to a pleasing range...

Continued: T.B. Cyclecars

L.S.D. (169.)

Sturdy Runabouts.

8 H.P. Model.

85.5x85 mm. (976 c.c); V twin cyl. four-stroke; side valves; drip feed lubrication; Amac carb.; bevel-driven mag.; 2-sp. gear and reverse; clutch, and kick-starter; shaft and chain drive; 26x3in. tyres. Price £145 19s.

Sykes and Sugden, Ltd., Linthwaite, Huddersfield.

Sturdy construction is immediately noticeable in this three-wheeler.

Continued: L.S.D. Cyclecars

NOVEMBER 30th, 1922. Page 873
Runabouts at Olympia.


Unconventional but Comfortable.

5/6 H.P. Model.

76.2x63.5 mm. (578 c.c. twin cyl. two-stroke; rotary inlet valve; petroil lubrication; Zenith-Scott carb.; gear-driven mag.; 3-sp. gear: clutch and hand-starter; shaft and spiral bevel drive; 700x80 mm. tyres. Price £176 8s.

Scott Autocar Co., Lidgett Green, Bradford.

Although only placed on the market a few years ago, the Scott Sociable has already found many ardent admirers. Its unorthodox design has now become familiar amongst motor cyclists, and its price of £175 8s., including full equipment, places it in direct competition with the more luxurious sidecars. That it possesses certain advantages over the latter is indisputable, complete protection for the driver and excellent springing being two of its outstanding features. In essentials the little runabout differs but slightly from last year's models, but various detail refinements have been effected, the most important being greater ease of starting. The salient feature of the little vehicle the triangulated chassis has been described many times.

Years of testing have thoroughly proved the 578 c.c. water-cooled two-stroke engine to be of ample power, even on the steep hills amongst which the machine was conceived. As may be imagined, this type of engine in conjunction with the spiral bevel drive goes to the making of a machine particularly quiet and smooth in action. No doubt many newcomers to the pastime will be fascinated by the unquestioned ingenuity of this unconventional design.


A Car on Three Wheels.

10 H.P. Model.

82x94 mm. (996 c.c.); V twin cyl. four-stroke; overhead inlet valves; drip feed lubrication; Cox-Atmos carb.; Lucas gear-driven Magdyno; 3-sp. gear and reverse; clutch shaft and final chain drive; 700 x 80 mm. tyres. Price £195.

New Hudson, Ltd., Icknield Street, Birmingham.

This finely-finished three-wheeler remains practically the same in specification as last year, with the exception of the body, which has been increased in width by 2½in., and in length by 3in. With this alteration there is now ample room for two adults and a child. A glance at the stripped chassis shows how thoroughly every point has been studied, and, incidentally, how finely finished is every detail of plant, transmission, and springing.

Shaft drive is employed from the water-cooled engine through a, car type gear box, and then by chain to the rear wheel. All three wheels are quickly detachable and interchangeable, a jack being incorporated in the rear of the frame. The front springing is by quarter-elliptic springs, and the steering by rack and pinion. The price of the machine is £195, and although the figure may appear high, the value given in superlative finish of both mechanical parts and body work is as good as any thing in the Show.

New Hudson 1923 Models

XTRA CAR. (47.)

Single, and DoubleSeater Runabouts.

Xtra Cars, Ltd., 45. London Street, Chertsey, Surrey.

The Xtra Car aims at similar running costs and upkeep to the motor bicycle, and at the same time provides complete weather protection. This year the passenger as well as the solo market has been catered for, the former by the production of a two-seater model fitted with a 976 c.c. J.A.P. engine at a price of £122 17s. A two-seater "runabout," essentially the same, uses the 343 c.c. Villiers engine...

Continued: Xtra Cyclecars

Olympia Show 1922

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