Stanley Show

Today in Motorcycle History

Stanley Show 1903 p801

J. B. Brooks and Co., Ltd.

will exhibit several important new models in motor cycle goods, but the most important novelty will be the Brooks motor cycle saddle, which is fitted with quite a novel (patented) arrangement of compound springs...

Continued: Brooks Saddles

The Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.

In addition to a large exhibit of their various specialities in motor car and cycle chains, the above company will show examples of their patented Coventry chain belt, which has been designed to take the place of the ordinary leather belting on motor cycles, as it combines the grip of the leather with the famous non-stretching qualities of the Coventry 8A cycle chain, and is designed so as to run on the ordinary V-shaped pulley. The firm are also showing a special free-wheel clutch for motor cycles, with 1 5/8in. hole; a patent chain belt for motor cycles; and a patent belt hook.

The 1903 Fafnir Engines.

These engines are made by the Aix-la-Chapelle Steel Works, and handled in this country by Messrs. Straus and Co., 211, Upper Thames Street, London. The cylinder and head are made in one piece and bolted to the crank chamber; cooling ribs are ample, of large size, and extend well down the cylinder; the valve chamber is at the side, and exposed to the rush of air, so that there should be no trouble with overheating. The extreme height of the 2¼ h.p. engine is 18 5/8in., extreme width 7 1/6in., bore 70 mm. x 75 mm. stroke, and weight about 38 lbs...

Continued: Fafnir UK

Graham Bros.

This firm, which was amongst the pioneers in the designing and construction of the motor sidecarriage, will be exhibiting one of its patented sidecar attachments fitted with upholstered basketwork, well hung on double Cee springs, fitted with motor tyres, plated rims, and side mudguards.

Graham 1903-04

The Lincona Belt.

Messrs. James Dawson and Sons, Ltd., will have an unique display of their famous Lincona motor cycle belts, special attention being drawn to the Magna Lincona — a larger belt for use upon motor cycles of high power, and where carriage attachment is used this belt effectually transmits the full horsepower of the motor, and with properly designed pulleys can be run quite slack. The special Lincona dressing, as manufactured by this firm, will also be shown. It is a sterling article, and a very necessary adjunct to the toolbag. A series of excellent photographs illustrating the preparation and manufacture of the Lincona belt will be an interesting item on this stand.

C. Lohmann.

This exhibit will consist of all kinds of cycle and motor accessories, fittings, tyres, tools, etc., but the greatest specialities will be Perfecta acetylene lamps for cycles, motor cycles, and motor cars. Mr. Lohmann has also just introduced an entirely new pattern in the motor cycle lamp made on very much stronger lines in every respect than the old pattern motor bicycle lamp, which will also be on exhibition.

Joseph Lucas, Ltd.

On this firm's stand will be found several new lines in "Motorcyclealities," amongst which we note there will be several new designs in motor cycle lamps. In addition to the above, the firm are showing back carriers for motor bicycles, forced feed oilers, petrol squirts, copper funnels, and many other accessories useful to motor cyclists.


Lycett Saddle and Motor Accessory Co., Ltd.

We are informed by the above company that they will be exhibiting several new designs in motor cycle saddles, motor cycle toolbags, accumulator cases, and motor holdalls. Also that a great feature on this stand will be specimens of Lycett's Rawido belt and patent connection, and a sample of Lycett's motor carrier and mudguard combined.

Lycett Saddles

Salsbury and Son, Ltd.

On a stand in the Gallery, Messrs. Salsbury and Son, Ltd., are showing their lamps and motorcessories. The Salsbury-Dietz cycle lamp, together with the Fairlight, Alma acetylene, and a smaller acetylene lamp. They have added to their range of motoreccessories during the year, and have some striking novelties in that way, conspicuous among these being the Salsbury-Barrett jack, Salsbury Flario motor horns, A.B.C. sparking plugs, A.B.C. accumulators, voltmeters, dead-beat voltmeters, Salsbury motoring knife, Excelene lubricants, and Excelium carbide. They are also showing the new Strictor belting, which, although only placed on the market last October, has at once become a most popular belt.

The Motor Cycle, November 18th, 1903. p801