BMW Motorcycles

BMW 1980 R100S Exklusiv Sport

Here are the facts on 1980 R100S, after much research.

Lufthansa color design patterns were false!! New info from Tom Cutter who was employed by Butler & Smith, raced for them and was their head technician. By phone conversation Tom told me he helped open the cargo container on a snowy Oct day 1979 which held 30 of these silver blue striped Exclusive Sport R100S models. He stated the container had only 30 of theses imported to the US. He said very rare bike. The stripe pattern he believed were copied from the Butler & Smith BMW 1978 Superbike racers. The blues in the stripes came from the Bavarian countries shades of blue in their flag. Exciting info after 7 months of searching and finally locating a Butler I Smith employee who was there when imported! Incredible.
Image courtesy Todd Koehn
BMW R100S 1980

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