Norton Motorcycles

Norton 250 & 350cc Twins 1961

250 c.c. and 350 c.c. TWIN FEATURES

By fitting the famous "Roadholder" front forks and 8 inch dia. brake to the Navigator, this modern machine
has been given all the superb handling attributes of the Norton Dominators.

The rigid, one piece, crankshaft of the Jubilee, made in Nodular Iron type
material, contributes much to the smooth efficiency of the power unit.

The overhead valve, parallel twin cylinder, four-stroke engine-gearbox unit with
light alloy heads is a supreme example of Norton craftsmansbip and design.

Simple and positive tappet adjustment is provided by eccentric rocker

Norton Catalogue 1961 image courtesy Motos-Anglaises

Norton 1961 Models

British Motorcycle Books
British Motorcycle Books

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Norton Motorcycles