DKW Motorrader

Today in Motorcycle History

DKW Golem & Lomos

Golem Sesselmotorrad

Manufactured by Zschopauer Motorenwerke, JS Rasmussen AG, Zschopau, Sachsen, and later at an Eichler & Co. factory in Berlin.

Ernst Eichler used a 118cc two-stroke engine to power his tiny Golem Sesselrad.[1] Advertisements for Eichler's Golem did not mention DKW but they did credit Rasmussen as the manufacturer, in small print.

JS Rasmussen began producing the Golem in 1921 shortly after his return from America, where he was inspired by the Ner-a-car.

Around 500 of these were built, at least one of which was a forecar which seated two passengers.


Eichler presented a development of the Sesselmotorrad named Lomos in 1922 with larger wheels and the engine moved from between the rider's legs to below the seat. Later models had rear suspension of considerable sophistication, using a swinging arm and dual dampers for which look very similar to designs not commonly seen until the mid 1950s. Some 2500 of these were sold advertised as a "single-track car".

Notes: 1. Sesselrad translates as scooterbike, chair wheel, or armchair bicycle. The term is still in use and such vehicles are plentiful online, many appearing now much as they did 100 years ago.

Sources: South-Bohemian MC Museum, GTU Oldtimerservice