Ariel Motorcycles

Ariel Square Four 1958 Maroon and White

1958 Ariel Square Four ENG. CNML1407 FRAME. ET15501407899

This machine represents the final development in the beautiful overhead-valve machine that was first loosely conceived of by Edward Turner in 1928 and finally introduced to the public in 1937. After that, the SQ4 steadily evolved, adopting rear suspension, telescopic forks, the all-alloy engine and, most importantly, a four-pipe exhaust outlet. In this form, it delivered on Edward Turnerís original ambitions of creating the ultimate touring machine of the day with a power plant that delivered ìample power for high-performance riding without undue compression, racing cams or big choke carburettorsî.

The MKII is smooth, effortless and, above all else, imposing, especially in this original format. With its square-jawed good looks and broad shoulders, the MKII is one of the best-looking machines of its era. Details such as the chrome tank scallops and that remarkable all-alloy four-cylinder layout capture something quintessentially British (remarkably, without being a parallel twin!). It delivers on Edward Turnerís vision that started with a sketch on the back of a cigarette pack some 25 years earlier to produce ìultimate reliability and performance with minimum attentionsî.

Image and text courtesy Webbs Auction House NZ

Ariel Square Four

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Ariel Motorcycles