Ariel Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Ariel 1914 350cc Two-stroke

An Ariel Two-stroke.

330 c.c. Engine, Two Speeds, Cork Clutch, and Kick Starter.

FOR some time it has been common knowledge that Components, Ltd., of Bournbrook, Birmingham, have been testing various features of two-stroke motors, and therefore the results of their experiments will prove of interest to our readers. We are able to illustrate the machine in its final experimental form, though there is a certain amount of cleaning up in design to be done before the machine will be marketed, such points, for instance, as the substitution of cast aluminium footplates for the wooden footboards shown, and the addition of a neat chain case. The engine is a three-port two-stroke of the usual type, having a bore of 75 mm. and a stroke of 79 mm. (349 c.c.)

A two-speed dog clutch gear box is carried below an extension of the crank chamber, and can be slid longitudinally for chain' adjustment. So far no very starting features have been mentioned, but the Ariel is one of the few firms who have realised the value of a clutch on a machine of this type, and, what is more, a simple kick starter is fitted, which renders the machine one of the handiest of its type we have come across. The clutch, it may be mentioned, is of the cork insert type, which is becoming so popular on all types of motor cycle, and it is operated from the handle-bar.

The lubrication is unusual, for a forced drip feed is led to the side of the cylinder and on to the piston, while an auxiliary lead goes direct to the main flywheel bearing, and thence to the crank case by the usual channels. An interesting detail in construction is that the exhaust port is cast with four cooling ribs. The whole machine, with its 26 x 2in. tyres and complete specification, will prove a very attractive article at the price of £42.

The Motor Cycle, October 29th, 1914. p493


SINCE illustrating and publishing the essential features of the new two-stroke Ariel in our issue of October 29th, the final design has been approved of, and we are now able to give further details of the machine and an illustration as it will be placed on the market.

As stated m the previous article, the engine is of the three-port two-stroke type, having a bore and stroke of 75 mm. x 79 mm. The cubic capacity is 349 c.c, and it is rated at 2¾ h.p. A two-speed gear is employed, together with countershaft drive, the chain being enclosed by an aluminium case. Somewhat unusual fittings on this type of machine are the clutch of the cork insert type, and the kick starter. The former is similar to that fitted to the three-speed countershaft Ariel, and is hand applied. A Senspray carburetter has been adopted, and handlebar control throughout is standard.

The tank has a capacity for one gallon of petrol and one quart of oil. Under optimal conditions the makers claim a petrol consumption of 80 to 90 m.p.g.

It is capable of speeds up to about 35 m.p.h. The weight complete for the road is 160 lb with, such features as a clutch, kick starter, and two-speed gear. The Ariel two-stroke should be capable of serious touring work, and fulfil all the requirements of the solo rider.

Other Ariel Models.

The other Ariel models for next year are the same as those listed in 1914, only modified and brought up to date in detail These are the 3½ h.p. three-speed countershaft, the 3½ h.p. single-geared touring and T.T. models, and the 5-6 h.p. twin-cylinder three-speed countershaft models. As suggested, no material alterations have been found necessary, and those detail improvements made have been tested during the big competitions in the pre-war period.

The Motor Cycle, November 19th 1914 p560

If you have a query about these vintage British two-strokes please contact us