Introduced in 1936, the Tiger series was designed by Bert Hopwood and styled by Edward Turner. The project was the creation of Jack Sangster of Ariel Square Four fame, headhunted by Turner to take over management of Triumph, which had not recovered from the economic slump of the early 1930s. The results were spectacular - enabling the company to break even in the first year of his management and enter profit the next, saving Triumph's bacon.
Three models of the Tiger were released, the Tiger 70 & T80, and the T90, OHV singles of 250, 350 and 500cc. All had upswept exhausts and were very similar in appearance. The model names designated their top speed.
The 1939 catalogue saw the introduction of a 500cc twin, the Tiger 100.
Then came war, and the Tiger disappeared - the name resurfaced in the 1960s as the Tiger T90 twin.