European Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Vintage Motorcycle Chains and Sprockets

Sprocket Repairs

A simple method of repairing sprockets is to have the original teeth machined off and a matching spocket outer welded or bolted back onto the hub. This works particularly well in the case of aluminium sprockets, for instance TY250A which has a dished sprocket.


UK page specialising in chains for vintage machines.

The Chain Man

A guide to chain sizes commonly used on classic and vintage motorcycles. Chain specifications at Sprockets Unlimited

Sprockets Unlimited

Regina has a database which covers some of the many thousands of variations of motorcycle chains for classic applications.

Regina Chains

Rear Chain & Sprockets 101 at Dan's


Hitchcocks, who have been doing this stuff since the days of De Dion and whose first site was reputedly built by Alan Turing himself, have a page on their (now quite modern) website about chains. Specifically about the Royal Oilfield, their information is applicable to many makes.


Cleaning Motorcycle Chains

109. The Coventry Chain Co., Dale Street, Coventry, have a very comprehensive exhibit of their specialities from an extremely small chain up to large motor chains, 3⅝in. pitch. A driving chain for motor-bicycles has leather blocks and steel side plates for running over a plain belt pulley on rear wheel. A full set of all sizes of free-wheels, cycle chains, rim brakes, pedals, chain wheels, are shown, and a handy little speciality is the patent coupling for motor-bicycle belts which is unbreakable. Specialities in various types of chains for machinery driving are also shown.

1902 Stanley Show in Motor Cycling, November 26th, 1902. Page 275

If you have a query or information about motorcycle chains and sprockets please contact us