European Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Motorcycle Trademarks

Ownership of Patents, Logos and Trademarks

Trademark Resources

Intellectual Property Office
Trade marks

Clemson University Libraries

Int. Trademark Assc.

Erik Pelton

leehudson21 at gmail.com
Who currently holds trademark license to the CZ logo?
Thank you
Lee Hudson
alessandrobenvegnu at hotmail.it
Paglianti trademark
Hi, i am interested to buy the naming rights for Paglianti.
Alessandro Benvegnu
Italia - Treviso

Sun Mar 30 2014
craig.everton at btinternet.com
lincoln elk logo
lincoln elk sv
can anyone tell me who owns the lincoln elk name, logo. thanks
lincoln, uk.

If you have further information or a query about trademarks please contact us