European Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Zundapp Museum

Zündapp-Museum der Brauerei Zoller-Hof
Leopoldstraße 40
72488 Sigmaringen,

Website: zuendappmuseum.de

    "In the Zündapp Museum set in the historic Zoller-Hof brewery some 100 examples of the great Zündapp marque. The museum presents a history of the motorcycle in Germany with a particular focus, that of the Zundapp company founded in 1917 by Dr. Fritz Neumeyer and Friedruch Krupp.

    The collection displays many of the most famous motorcycles, mopeds and Zundapp Bella scooters, along with Zündapp lawnmowers, marine engines and sewing machines, and even an aircraft engine. Also displayed is a 750cc Janus microcar in red and white.

If you have a query or information about this museum please contact us