European Motorcycles

Today in Motorcycle History

Motorcycle Museums of Austria, Turkey, Czech Republic, Poland...

Auto and Moto Collections

Many museums are represented on these pages, large and small.

If you have visited one of the museums and would care to share your experience, or if you are involved with the curating and management of one of the collections and would like your museum added or updated, please contact us.

Many more European museums listed by country here: Motorcycle Museums

Museums of Europe:

South-Bohemian Museum of Motorcycles
One of the largest in the Czech Republic, the museum in České Budějovice displays around 100 motorcycles along with a remarkable variety of memorabilia, toys, antique bicycles and scale models.
The curator is a very active motorcycle historian and presents on the museum's website information on the country's automotive history along with many pages on motorcycles from around the world, with a strong focus on Eastern Europe.
Visit motomuseum-hostalek.cz

Národní Technické muzeum
Narodni Technicke Muzeum has a vast collection of vintage aircraft, steam locomotives, vintage bicycles, automobiles and motorcycles. Quite a wonderful experience.
Visit motomuseum-hostalek.cz, or on Facebook at fb.com/NarodniTechnickeMuzeum

Museum Pantheon Basel
Although the primary focus is on automobiles, there is a wealth of material of interest to motorcyclists. Located at Basel on the Swiss/French border, it is only a half-hour from Mulhouse.

Villacher Fahrzeugmuseum
Ferdinand-Wedenig-Straße 9, 9500 Villach, Austria

Helenic Motorcycle Museum
Greece. Around 90 well-presented motorcycles, the majority from Britain, Italy and Germany.

Skoda Museum
Mladá Boleslav, Czechia.
Houses a stunning collection of Laurin & Klement machines.

Muzeum Veteránu Pavlíkov
Pavlíkov, Czech Republic