European Motorcycles

Bodleian Library Motorcycle Images

Vintage Transportation

The Bodleian Library at Oxford is home to a collection of images and texts digitised when the web was in its infancy, and at time of writing the page has been left much as it was in 1996.

It is also the repository of numerous papers and books by and about T.E. Lawrence, who reputedly read the whole library. Although a prodigious reader who could absorb four books in a day, that claim is possibly exaggerated.

For those interested in exploring the life of one of the world's greatest motorcyclists - arguably *the* greatest - there is a beautifully composed piece on Lawrence and Lowell Thomas, the American journalist who brought T.E.'s story to the public eye, here.

The story of Lawrence and Brough Superior (another elderly site), here.

Credits: Images on this page are by The Bodleian Library